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Red Goat Creations (www.conradburry.com)


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I like the colors used. The only thing that sticks out is your portrait. I'm guessing you're just trying to emphasize the goatee, but it comes off as arrogantly looking down on people.

Feedback on my feedback?


"One of my concerns is shysters show up and take advantage of people's good will and generosity".

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I was wondering if you could help me out. You have lightbox set up to prompt a gallery of images when you click just one single image/thumbnail. All of the lightbox tutorials I've found so far only allow you to do a gallery of images if you have a gallery of thumbnails on the original page. Is there a tutorial/coding out there that you used to achieve this effect? Hopefully this makes sense as I'm not up on all the lightbox lingo. Thanks.

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this is an example of code for the div holding the thumbnail image that u click to look at my set of images:

<div id="apDiv12"><a href="images/redgoat/reduce1.jpg" title="For a screenprint class project, I created this public awareness project to alert people of the over-consumption of paper." rel="lightbox[reduce]" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('home_reduce','','images/redgoat/home_reduce_on.jpg',1)"><img src="images/redgoat/home_reduce_off.jpg" alt="REDUCE project" name="home_reduce" width="396" height="80" border="0" id="home_reduce" /></a></div>
<a href="images/redgoat/reduce2.jpg" rel="lightbox[reduce]" title="I created a plastic stencil that I filled in with black marker in areas of paper usage."></a>
<a href="images/redgoat/reduce3.jpg" rel="lightbox[reduce]" title="I tried to find as many areas on campus that I could to affect change in people's perception of paper consumption."></a>
<a href="images/redgoat/reduce4.jpg" rel="lightbox[reduce]" title="Back on the homepage, please check out the REDUCE website where the idea and implementation are described more in depth. Please help spread the word!"></a>

the first image of the set is in the link code for the thumbnail, and the last 3 link tags encompass the other images in the set...thats about as good as i can explain it. hope that helps!

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Easiest way to achieve the "gallery" of lightboxes is how he showed right there, but to better "Explain" how to do it is to basically have anchors (<a>) with nothing inside of them, essentially having nothing linking to the full image...

<a href="[img location]" rel="lightbox[gallery]"></a>

Having all the 'blank links' with the same rel tag will create the gallery effect.

Shaun Rajewski
Lead Developer, Founder
Epic Web Studios LLC.

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