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Davidson's Logo Design Tutorials: Results / Concepts / Feedback Thread


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I thought I'd give this a shot:


This is just excellent. So much to like about it. Would love to see a Ghostbusters cartoon rendered in this style.

I still don't have a website, but I have a dribbble now! http://dribbble.com/andyharry

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Well here is my 2nd attempt, I started out modeling it after a picture of me and tried to turn it into a logo, its still a little rough but maybe I can make them smoother after some more practice.


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Well here is my 2nd attempt, I started out modeling it after a picture of me and tried to turn it into a logo, its still a little rough but maybe I can make them smoother after some more practice.


did you serve on a certain Starship Enterprise by chance?

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Big Mike, do a lot of people have that haircut in Alabama?

I'm just asking because I recall, from the "Hoover High Football" TV show, that it seemed like everyone on the team had to have that sort of haircut haha.

Anyway, because you're new to inkscape... it seems that you're adding a lot of nodes to your lines, which makes them choppy. If you can minimize the nodes, the curves will be much smoother.

Also, I agree, the Bill Murray one is excellent in terms of using minimal shapes to convey the likeness. That's what I struggle with. Mine tend to be more illustrations than logos because I can render the likeness fairly well but then I have trouble taking it and making shapes that retain the likeness.

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Haha, yeah alot of people do actually, even though I live about an hour away from Hoover, and most people here don't like Hoover. I always loved the tv show. Yeah, I showed my logos to raysox and he told me about the nodes and how to fix it, I fixed my head, but I haven't fixed my logo heads. I am probably going to try and turn the 3rd head I showed into a Blue Devil logo. Thanks for giving me the tip though!

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I actually really like that, josh. It's definately getting there. I think it'd look more logo once you thicker up those lines.

Anyways, I've tried this idea roughly on Inkscape, but it looked off. So, I went back to my comfort zone, with pencil and paper, and started off with a whole new person. I thickened up the lines with sharpie for a better presentation. Here it is:


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