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The Cornucopia of Possible NBA Logo Changes


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Yes.I just don't appreciate one questioning my zeal for anything that has to do with things more important than logos and uniforms cause I've been there point blank.

Back to the topic at hand I hate the mountains look and you don't fine we will agree to disagree then. I think it's safe to say more Jazz fans agree with me.

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The rise of the Utah Jazz was in the Ball and Note unis from 1987 and up. Thurl Bailey,John Stockton,Karl Malone,Mark Eaton and Bobby Hansen even Jeff Hornacek wore the ball and note unis and he is up in the rafters and they are actually changing his retired jersey to the old ball and note. Why is'nt John Stockton and Karl Malone's retired jersyes the mountains jerseys because they suck plain and simple.

Though the Jazz enjoyed great sucess with the note, the farthest they ever went in those were the West Finals, losing multiple times. The mountains represent an era in which the Jazz WON the West crown twice. Big difference.

I am a fan of the note logo, dont get me wrong, but you're just gonna have to realize that the mountains era was simply the most successful.

And I realize that all but one of the retired numbers feature the note. But the most important banners, the 1997 and 1998 Western Conference Title banners, feature the mountains.

You're free to hate it, but mountains = winning in the Jazz's history.


The opinions I express are mine, and mine only. If I am to express them, it is not to say you or anyone else is wrong, and certainly not to say that I am right.

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Some could argue losing in the Finals twice to the same team back to back is'nt really something to be preoud of either. Yes it was the closest they ever got but even Miller admitted that his father really did'nt like changing to mountains and always wanted to go back.

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Some could argue losing in the Finals twice to the same team back to back is'nt really something to be preoud of either. Yes it was the closest they ever got but even Miller admitted that his father really did'nt like changing to mountains and always wanted to go back.

If he didn't like the mountain look why did he make the change? If I ponied up the cash for a pro sports franchise you can be sure they'd only wear what I would want them to wear.

As for franchise success, the mountain look represents a team that won two Western Conference titles. They never had that success in the note, and they never had that success with the double blue look. Do the uniforms make the team? No, of course not. Generally speaking, however, I think teams would do best to stick close to looks that they had the most success in.

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Frankly, I like that look better with the mountains on the front - they never should have ditched those. They would have looked even better in the different shades of blue that they've been using.


You spelled "DEVOLUTION" wrong.

I'm actually with you on this one. I like the idea of ditching the gradients, but the mountains on the home uniforms were a good look, in my opinion...


I agree. The purples from this set were absolutely terrible, but these white ones were decent. I actually really liked the white version of the shorts from this set.



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If he didn't like the mountain look why did he make the change? If I ponied up the cash for a pro sports franchise you can be sure they'd only wear what I would want them to wear.

As for franchise success, the mountain look represents a team that won two Western Conference titles. They never had that success in the note, and they never had that success with the double blue look. Do the uniforms make the team? No, of course not. Generally speaking, however, I think teams would do best to stick close to looks that they had the most success in.

this is a quote from an article on the Jazz changing back to the note

Rigby said late Jazz owner Larry Miller was not involved with the return of the music note, though he described the logo as "near and dear" to Miller. "He was always a little upset that we really went away from it," Rigby said.

here is the link to the entire article


My guess is there was a bunch of design guru's who they hired much like the people around here who suggested that they go in a different direction so he listened to the people he paid to do this and quickly realized that he made a mistake.

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Count me as a Jazz fan who prefers the note logo. Almost everyone I know does, too.

That's not to say that I hate the mountain logo. In fact, at the time I really liked it. I just like the note better.

I actually really like the look of the note logo in light and dark blue, and was hoping they'd go with that.

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Mountain logo is better to me. At least it has something Utah has... MOUNTAINS. The name Jazz is already stupid enough for a team in Utah- but to add the note, too? Uhhh... plus, it looks too 70s to me. Personal style- I like the modern looks.

The NBA All-Star logos are ok. Looks like the Galaxy font almost.

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Some could argue losing in the Finals twice to the same team back to back is'nt really something to be preoud of either. Yes it was the closest they ever got but even Miller admitted that his father really did'nt like changing to mountains and always wanted to go back.

If he didn't like the mountain look why did he make the change? If I ponied up the cash for a pro sports franchise you can be sure they'd only wear what I would want them to wear.

Oh, that's an easy one.

Perhaps he wanted to get his hands on a little of the cash influx which always accompanies a new branding.

Very few owners are willing to put their own aesthetic preferences above increased merchandise sales. They're in business to make money, not just satisfy their own egos. Alex Spanos did it for years with the Chargers, but he's solidly in the minority.

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Some could argue losing in the Finals twice to the same team back to back is'nt really something to be preoud of either. Yes it was the closest they ever got but even Miller admitted that his father really did'nt like changing to mountains and always wanted to go back.

If he didn't like the mountain look why did he make the change? If I ponied up the cash for a pro sports franchise you can be sure they'd only wear what I would want them to wear.

Oh, that's an easy one.

Perhaps he wanted to get his hands on a little of the cash influx which always accompanies a new branding.

Very few owners are willing to put their own aesthetic preferences above increased merchandise sales. They're in business to make money, not just satisfy their own egos. Alex Spanos did it for years with the Chargers, but he's solidly in the minority.

Fair enough.

Though I still maintain that with a few tweaks the mountain look could have worked long-term. I fully admit that me following them during the peak of my NBA interest in 1997-1998 may play a part in that assessment, but there it is.

As for the current identity, it is a mess. If you're going to commit to the note, commit to the note. Don't keep a recoloured version of the mountain logo around just because you're to cheap to pay a one-time fine to completely re-brand.

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The Jazz' 1996-2004 look remains my favourite. It really could have lasted, I think, if they just tweaked it to remove some of the more 90s elements. Something like this....



There ya go. I love it.

You?re killing me with that copper man! :D

Maybe I'm biased due to the fact that I pulled for the Jazz in the 97 and 98 Finals, but it really was a solid look, overall.

The J/note logo, while a decent logo, was a hold-over from the New Orleans days. The purple, sky blue, and copper look was uniquely Utah. Shame they've chipped away at what was a solid, if a bit 90s, identity in favour of first a bland imitation of what was "in" at the time, and then a tired, poorly executed, retread of an identity that never really fit the location.

This is interesting because both you and I are Jazz fans but yet we look at this completely differently! I could honestly care less if their logo has any ?Utah elements? in it, as long as it looks good, which in my opinion their new identity does. It?s really the best of both worlds for me!

Yes it did but I think it is the waistband on the shorts is what we are looking at.


Nope, that's not the waist band, that's the jersey itself!

And I realize that all but one of the retired numbers feature the note. But the most important banners, the 1997 and 1998 Western Conference Title banners, feature the mountains.

Actually they don't anymore! thicon_lol.gif

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