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Yet Another Chicago Bulls Concept


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As a Bulls fan, I have always been in the camp that the Bulls logo is perfect and should never be messed with; lately however, I've begun to think that maybe it could stand to be updated/modernized. I am an old school guy, and a huge Bulls fan. I love the vintage/classic look of the current logo, but compared to other logos in the Association it is a little weak. It's just not that dynamic of a logo, there is little to no variation in line width which makes it look flat. With this update I attempted to modernize the current logo and make it more dynamic. I've thickened the lines, flared the nostrils (removed the comma nostrils), enlarged the mouth, turned down the forehead lines and curved the top of the head. I think I've accomplished what I was trying to, but I've hesitated on posting it because I am not sure if I like it or not. Your thoughts?


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