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West Texas University Jackalopes Logo


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So, Bruschimania was asking for logos in the requests section, and I decided to see what I could come up with. I posted this there, but I figured I would get a lot more c&c if I posted it in the concepts section. The logo is a stylized jackalope head on a plaque, made up of the letters WTU, and rendered in a style that I think fits with the location.



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So, Bruschimania was asking for logos in the requests section, and I decided to see what I could come up with. I posted this there, but I figured I would get a lot more c&c if I posted it in the concepts section. The logo is a stylized jackrabbit head on a plaque, made up of the letters WTU, and rendered in a style that I think fits with the location.


I don't comment on much, I pretty much just lurk and enjoy the work...but this compelled me to tell you great job.

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I also typically just lurk in tha shadows. I also agree this is very good and relatively unique for college athletics. Two suggestions; 1. Get rid of the barbs on either side of the bottom half of the shield, having the top corners and bottom point styled is enough I think. 2. Is it possible to flatten out the 'W' a bit? It is kind of a 'conehead' look right now (even though it is intended to look like 2 pronged antlers, right?). Possibly place the bottom points of the 'W' over the corner of where the ears come off the 'T' and have the inner peaks not come so close together. Maybe even consider bending them the other way? Otherwise, as I said, I think it's very ingenuitive.

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That is seriously awesome. I looked at the image before I read anything and thought that was a pretty cool 'WTU' logo you had there. Then I read that it was the Jackalopes and boom, mind blown. I don't think you should remove the barb/serif things you got going on there. It adds to the western feel you were going for and it doesn't appear to be too overbearing.


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Holy crap, this is better than Washington State! Although I'm also not sure I like the plaque since it implies that the Jackalope has been killed and mounted. I also wouldn't mind seeing a version with thicker lines.

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The first time I looked at I just saw the letters. Then I saw it on the helmet and saw the jackalope. Like most people said little thicker lines. I would but the "shield" in a different shape so it does not look like the jackalope is dead. Maybe but a word mark above it too. Looks great, very creative.




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Thanks for all of the comments, guys! So, I thickened up the lines on the letters, which I think helps a lot. I worked with the W a little more as well. I also made one without the plaque shape, since some of you were concerned with that. Old is on the left of course. I think it is an improvement, but I am sure there is room for more.



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The letters not being "obvious enough" seems a little absurd to me. There are plenty of great logos with hidden meanings where things aren't necessarily obvious, but cool once you figure out it's there.

Regarding the update, I think the newest version without the plaque might actually be better than with it. At least as far as being a helmet logo. IMO, the best helmet is the far left or middle. Either way I like it better with gold letters and maroon outline, it seems you can see the jackalope better that way.


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Don't all talk at once! Well, I was kind of hoping to get more comments than that for the update, anybody else have any thoughts?

I agree CAB, in the worst case if somebody doesn't realize the letters are there, they will still see the Jackalope. And I am sure they would see the letters eventually.


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It's a clever design that's almost there.

I think that the eyes, nose, mouth area is brilliant.

Perhaps the ears could be more "up" rather than straight out.

The W could be joined with the middle part of the letter forming the top of the jackalope's head.

I like the thicker lines.

Good concept.

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A+ for 'W' update, much better. One more suggestion for ya. With the helmet logo, instead of filling in the outline of the logo maybe just try a hollowed version... ie. 'WTU' in the tan color with a thin burgundy outline in the same shape as your fill (forming ears etc.). Am I making sense?

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