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Invitational Contest?


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Hey Guys,

I've had this idea in my head for a bit, and wanted to put this out to the general public. I think it might be well received, or it's going to get totally bashed. I just want to generate some discussion and see what people think.

I'm wondering if we would be able to have a concept competition, but instead of it being open it would be a kind of invitational thing, where a certain number of designers are privately PM'ed by a certain panel of judges. I think it would be cool to do, something different than the contests we've done in the past. I think it would be awesome to have a number of talented designers showcase their best work for us.

I think it would be something that designers on here could strive for, like work on improving their designs to try and get invited into this. Now obviously most on here just do design for fun, and wouldn't really care if they ever got into it, but I think it would still be something fun to work towards.

Here are some of the reasons I think it wouldn't fly:

1. Like I just mentioned, not that many people on here do this as something really serious, and I don't know if there would be enough people willing to get into the competition.

2. Probably the biggest issue: I think there could possibly be a lot of complaining about who did/didn't get invited, and that would be something we don't need. I'd like to say that everyone would be cool with who got picked and support them, but I'm not sure that would happen.

3. Who would judge and invite people. I know for either the draw brawl or trifecta comp, there was a panel of judges, but they didn't have to invite anyone, just organize everything. With every competition we'd need people willing to organize, and a lot of people don't have the time.

I think it'd be cool because:

1. It would be an awesome opportunity for people on here to see some of the best sport's design work all in one place, and I think it would be a tough competition.

2. For those designers on here that do take this a little more seriously, I think it would be something to strive for. It'd be awesome as a designer to get a private invite to this, and pit your work against other really good designers.

It's just a small idea in my head, and I think there are to many potential cons than pros, but I wanted to get it out there and just see what people thought about it.

Thanks for reading guys.

also, wasn't sure where to put this, so mods feel free to move it if need be.

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I know I'm far from a top designer here, but I think this is a really cool idea. Kind of an "elite" invitational, if you will. I see no issues with this-- I know people would get pissed that they weren't invited, but like you said, why not strive for that kind of thing? If you're upset you're not invited, and you don't want to improve, then it's not your type of contest. I do all of my design for fun (for the most part), because I don't have a lot of extra time outside work; but as a hobby, it's still something I take pride in and continually want to get better at. Again, I could also be a part of the aforementioned 'minority' group, but I think if it's a monthly thing (or something of that sort), this could get pretty big/fun. Obviously with the caliber of work being higher, I'd think that the deadlines would be a lot slower than many of the contests we see-- but I'm just guessing. As far as judging, maybe a peer vote or something? That would be tough to organize, but you could find a good panel based on peer suggestions.

Kinda curious what everyone else thinks, but I think it's a cool idea. Like the All Star Game for designers ;)

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I could help you out with judging. I could probably persuade Joe Bosack to be a judge and perhaps a member of the Nike football design team.

I could certainly set some real life briefs.

Wow, that's definitely way higher than anything I could've hoped for. Even just you and Gordie and one other member would be great, but if you could get who you mentioned that'd be amazing.

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This is a really cool idea. What if you had people post names in this thread about who they think should be invited? There should be a deciding body on who gets in or who gets rejected. Only the best on the site should be included. Otherwise, the quality of the contest would be compromised. Maybe you could limit the amount of invitees to a certain number like 10 or 6. If I think of anything else, I'll post it here.


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I agree about only having about having a limited number of invites, but I don't know if we should discuss it in this thread openly. I thought that we could solidify who's judging, and then have them invite who they think should be invited in private. I think if we discussed it in here there would be potential of a lot of arguing and debate, and I think if the judges just chose and invited, we could avoid that. I might be the only one who sees it this way though, so we need some more opinions in here.

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I agree about only having about having a limited number of invites, but I don't know if we should discuss it in this thread openly. I thought that we could solidify who's judging, and then have them invite who they think should be invited in private. I think if we discussed it in here there would be potential of a lot of arguing and debate, and I think if the judges just chose and invited, we could avoid that. I might be the only one who sees it this way though, so we need some more opinions in here.

thats a good idea. set up the judging panel first, then through email discuss who to invite, competitions, rules, etc.

if you're ging after the higher end designers here, id suggest keeping the competition list short as those are likely to be busy people. example: 5 competitions. 1 each week.




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Myself and Joe Bosack are both available to judge. Im inclined to agree that a fairly open contest should be allowed. I wouldnt like to discriminate on talent alone (especially given that there are younger people who might be keen to enter). Perhaps a minimum level of competence in a vector program should be a benchmark fro entry. It at least shows a level of design proficiency.

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I agree with Fraser that limiting it by invite may not be the best way to go. It could come off as elitist to some, even if that's not the idea. I think possibly submitting a small portfolio to gain entry could work, or some way of showing not only good design skills but your processes as well. Just some ideas.

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if you're ging after the higher end designers here, id suggest keeping the competition list short as those are likely to be busy people. example: 5 competitions. 1 each week.

I'd suggest even tightening that up. Either make it one event or, at most, three. I don't think it should go on longer than a month.

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