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NFL Rebrand


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Hey Guys,

I decided to rebrand the NFL as a means of practicing. Critiques are welcome! Thanks!

San Francisco 49ers

Wordmark - Standalone - Secondary Standalone

Home Uniforms - Away Uniforms - Alternate Uniforms

The Arizona Cardinals

Wordmark - Standalone - Secondary Standalone

Helmet - Home Uniforms - Away Uniforms - Alternate Uniforms

The St. Louis Rams

Wordmark - Standalone

Helmet - Home Uniforms - Away Uniforms - Alternate Uniforms

The Seattle Seahawks

Wordmark - Standalone - Alternate

Helmet - Alternate Helmet - Home Uniforms - Away Uniforms - Alternate Uniforms - Alternate Away Uniforms - Light Blue Uniforms

More to come.

Edit: Redid the Cardinals logo. What do you think.




I actually like the 49ers Unis, but I'm not liking the helmet too much. Maybe try the SF in the helmet.

Arizona is unique.... I like it.

The Rams are great. I really like the Alternate Uni. You should make that the primary.

I'm really not feeling Seattle though. Its the stripes that I dont like on the unis. But the blue helmet is pretty good.


I like these for the most part. Not sure if I like the Seahawks' unis or not.

For San Francisco, the secondary mark doesn't really fit in with the rest of the identity. Try using the same font as the primary logo. Also, I would add red to it.

Keep it up, these are good. I also can't wait to see what you do with the Saints.



49ers - that pick icon is bringing the whole thing down. in the wordmark it is way too large; theres no hierarchy between the letters and icon. being roughly the same size the pick dominates the logo and becomes a huge distraction. the pink highlights do it no favors either. drop that pick and you have a beautiful word mark. it dosent work on the helmets very wel either, its so thin and vertical it looks weak and awkward in that application. the SF monogram needs more contrast, id suggest using red there as the outline color. it will disappear on white, if thats how you want to display it. kill the drop shadow as well. it makes the mark look old. i dont think thats what you're going for here? and you've already done that on the pants. build consistency

put stripes on the pants. NEVER do that "fill in the panel with color" cop-out. it looks horrible, and cannot possibly connect with the rest of the elements. it dosent compliment the leg lines/muscles either, and just ends up being a blob of a mess. pull those cool alternate color stripes on there and you're good to go.

Cardinals - the word mark needs to be simplified. that text is floating out in the middle of no where and theres no need for the bird here. the yellow sun serves no purpose either, its just an unneeded background element thats pushing your text out into space instead of bringing it all together. overall id say you were very lazy with the word mark. it dosent reflect the quality of your work in other areas.

the bird needs fewer feathers, again just keep tings simple. and dont get lazy with your feather shapes both on the wing and tail. this is a good start, finish it off with the time and effort to make it great. look at more reference of other bird logos and pictures. feathers shouldnt look like slabs of wood and crooked teeth. you may want to revisit the eye as well. the secondary would be good for the helmet. pay attention to direction and flow of all the lines. i believe the ones on the left side are going the opposite direction the should be. let them follow the back of the bird. think "forward motion". i cant tell whats on the helmet, and you were very lazy with the uniforms design as well. no need to see those if you're not going to put in any effort. obviously you can do better.

Rams - think "contrast". bright yellow on white dosent work. these colors are way too saturated, and looks like bad clip art. make the colors more mature, more football appropriate, more professional. the Ram logo needs less detail and maybe some varied stroke widths. its not looking quite proportionate either, maybe the horns are too big. but only slightly.

the uniforms are another "fill in the panel" attempt. find something unique and personable about the Rams and incorporate that into the uniforms. yellow against white not working here either. too much visual vibration from lack of contrast.

Seahawks - word mark pushed the text out into space. this will never work on anything other than a flat background and its still a broken design. like the Rams, the colors are too saturated, its way too overpowering. minimize the use of neon green. what makes it cool for Seattel is theres not an overdose of it. its subtle and tolerable. check your lines here too. this bird has feathers and shapes going in every direction. the secondary is the same as the Cardinals. too detailed with too many feathers.

the word mark takes up a lot of space but dosnet fill it well. theres so much space between the letters (both ways, leading and kerning) it falls apart. the mountain icon is a nice idea. bring this stuff together, dont separate and isolate them. they need to strongly occupy a space.

lets just say i dont like the uniforms





Good critiques Brandon. I'll add a little as well. I won't get into each mark, but will comment on them as a whole. I think these are decent starts overall, but I see no sense of your individual style. It seems as if you know the qualities of sports logos (bold, thick outlines, iconic), but there is very little emotion in them. Something's missing.

Take each logo now that you have a base, and completely cover it from a different perspective. If you are able to come up with 2-3 sketches based on one idea then you are going somewhere. Give them some movement, use artistic license and get creative with each idea. Use less strokes to cover the same ground.

I don't critique uniform designs so I have no comment on those. Generally practicality goes out the window with uniform design here, so I'll leave it at that, haha.


49ers - that pick icon is bringing the whole thing down. in the wordmark it is way too large; theres no hierarchy between the letters and icon. being roughly the same size the pick dominates the logo and becomes a huge distraction. the pink highlights do it no favors either. drop that pick and you have a beautiful word mark. it dosent work on the helmets very wel either, its so thin and vertical it looks weak and awkward in that application. the SF monogram needs more contrast, id suggest using red there as the outline color. it will disappear on white, if thats how you want to display it. kill the drop shadow as well. it makes the mark look old. i dont think thats what you're going for here? and you've already done that on the pants. build consistency

put stripes on the pants. NEVER do that "fill in the panel with color" cop-out. it looks horrible, and cannot possibly connect with the rest of the elements. it dosent compliment the leg lines/muscles either, and just ends up being a blob of a mess. pull those cool alternate color stripes on there and you're good to go.

Cardinals - the word mark needs to be simplified. that text is floating out in the middle of no where and theres no need for the bird here. the yellow sun serves no purpose either, its just an unneeded background element thats pushing your text out into space instead of bringing it all together. overall id say you were very lazy with the word mark. it dosent reflect the quality of your work in other areas.

the bird needs fewer feathers, again just keep tings simple. and dont get lazy with your feather shapes both on the wing and tail. this is a good start, finish it off with the time and effort to make it great. look at more reference of other bird logos and pictures. feathers shouldnt look like slabs of wood and crooked teeth. you may want to revisit the eye as well. the secondary would be good for the helmet. pay attention to direction and flow of all the lines. i believe the ones on the left side are going the opposite direction the should be. let them follow the back of the bird. think "forward motion". i cant tell whats on the helmet, and you were very lazy with the uniforms design as well. no need to see those if you're not going to put in any effort. obviously you can do better.

Rams - think "contrast". bright yellow on white dosent work. these colors are way too saturated, and looks like bad clip art. make the colors more mature, more football appropriate, more professional. the Ram logo needs less detail and maybe some varied stroke widths. its not looking quite proportionate either, maybe the horns are too big. but only slightly.

the uniforms are another "fill in the panel" attempt. find something unique and personable about the Rams and incorporate that into the uniforms. yellow against white not working here either. too much visual vibration from lack of contrast.

Seahawks - word mark pushed the text out into space. this will never work on anything other than a flat background and its still a broken design. like the Rams, the colors are too saturated, its way too overpowering. minimize the use of neon green. what makes it cool for Seattel is theres not an overdose of it. its subtle and tolerable. check your lines here too. this bird has feathers and shapes going in every direction. the secondary is the same as the Cardinals. too detailed with too many feathers.

the word mark takes up a lot of space but dosnet fill it well. theres so much space between the letters (both ways, leading and kerning) it falls apart. the mountain icon is a nice idea. bring this stuff together, dont separate and isolate them. they need to strongly occupy a space.

lets just say i dont like the uniforms

That's a lot. Thanks for the detailed reply! I will work on those points and post them up. Thanks again. Here are a few answers to clear somethings up.

49ers - the SF is supposed to have a "gold bar effect".

Cardinals - The helmet is supposed to be a cardinal head. I'll redo that and make it more apparent.

Thanks again!


Good critiques Brandon. I'll add a little as well. I won't get into each mark, but will comment on them as a whole. I think these are decent starts overall, but I see no sense of your individual style. It seems as if you know the qualities of sports logos (bold, thick outlines, iconic), but there is very little emotion in them. Something's missing.

Take each logo now that you have a base, and completely cover it from a different perspective. If you are able to come up with 2-3 sketches based on one idea then you are going somewhere. Give them some movement, use artistic license and get creative with each idea. Use less strokes to cover the same ground.

I don't critique uniform designs so I have no comment on those. Generally practicality goes out the window with uniform design here, so I'll leave it at that, haha.

Thanks man. I'll redraw them and see where I end up. By perspective, do you mean different angles, light sources, ect? Sorry, I'm more of a web guy so I never formally got into drawing.


By perspective I mean take a slightly different approach to the designs. Get out of your comfort zone slightly and approach your ideas differently than what you are used to. You have a great starting point here with all of these, but you can get better just by trying new things.

edited to add: Typically those with the most potential are going to get the harshest criticisms. These concepts can take off if you go somewhere with them.


Love the Niners and Rams, but that Seahawks uniform scares me! Cards is just bland to me.

I'd have to say the Rams is my favorite of them all.

You definitely get a high score for creativity.


Cardinal is better but still needs work. use this as reference, especially in the tail


the perspective of the backside wing might be off but i cant really tell. heres a rough sketch i did that might give you some ideas.






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