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New Texas Football practice Jerseys


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They will start wearing them in fall camp.

Since I can remember Texas offense has worn orange tops and the defense white (QBs black tops since VY or so), but now the offense and defense will rotate so everyone has a chance to wear all of the awful combos.

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It's all down hill from here.

Yup, he tried to lead in by saying "since we aren't changing our game uniforms..." or somesuch, but I've been hearing all spring that they were going to test a radical new look on the fan base.

These are so bad, I really struggle to put it into words.

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Start the countdown until someone posts about how awesome these are and says they should be worn in a game...

Alredy on twitter. I can't believe anyone here would think so. Some may argue that they should make a change, but I can't believe anyone would think these look good.

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Is this relatively unprecedented for a team to "unveil" a practice uniform? Especially one that's such a drastic departure from their gameday unis. Normally practice uniforms are a lower quality version of the game unis with a looser mesh, screenprinted numbers, etc. It's weird to see a practice uni with a pro combat cut/materials.

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At second look, they really need to throw TEXAS on the chest. That would be a good look if using this template with the standard burnt orange and white. Currently the mix of colors with black, shoulder panels, and side chest "swoops" looks more befitting of an arena team than Texas, who may as well be the Yankees of college football.

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I get if they want to do something crazy in practice just so they know for a fact that the fanbase will blow up about it, but these seem impractical to use. Being that there's so much color on the shoulders, it seems like it would be pretty easy to mistake the offense for the defense at first glance. And they recolored the Texas flag? I'm not from there, but that doesn't seem like it would go over too well.


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