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Sports Team Fandoms that Reach Beyond City Lines


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Since moving to the Texas Panhandle, I've noticed that while the vast majority of locals seem to root for the Dallas Cowboys, there are also quite a few Denver Broncos fans here as well. That caught me by surprise, but it also got me thinking: What other teams' fandoms seem to stretch far beyond their immediate "location name" lines?

I imagine teams sporting a state name probably draw fans from across their respective states, but what about teams that happen to lie near state borderlines? For example, do more southwestern New Jerseyans root for the Devils or the Flyers?

Also, what are some college teams that seem to do this as well?

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I can only really speak from my experience, but thanks to WGN, the Cubs fan base is pretty widespread.

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This is essentially asking which teams have the biggest bandwagon fanbases, which would be the Yankees and the Cowboys. The latter is due to the false media narrative about them being "America's Team." You can also add the Lakers and Heat to that list.

Mighty Ducks of Anaheim (CHL - 2018 Orr Cup Champions) Chicago Rivermen (UBA/WBL - 2014, 2015, 2017 Intercontinental Cup Champions)

King's Own Hexham FC (BIP - 2022 Saint's Cup Champions) Portland Explorers (EFL - Elite Bowl XIX Champions) Real San Diego (UPL) Red Bull Seattle (ULL - 2018, 2019, 2020 Gait Cup Champions) Vancouver Huskies (CL)

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Seahawks notwithstanding, it feels the Broncos are the team throughout the Rockies, with support through Oregon, Idaho, eastern Washington, Montana, Wyoming, perhaps the Dakotas (but maybe that's the Vikings/Packers/Bears?) and, of course, Colorado.

1 hour ago, ShutUpLutz! said:

and the drunken doodoobags jumping off the tops of SUV's/vans/RV's onto tables because, oh yeah, they are drunken drug abusing doodoobags

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I know several Cowboy fans here in Northern NJ with zero connection to Dallas.

I've heard there are a lot of New York teams fans down in Florida, but I assumed those were due to transplants.

This is essentially asking which teams have the biggest bandwagon fanbases, which would be the Yankees and the Cowboys. The latter is due to the false media narrative about them being "America's Team." You can also add the Lakers and Heat to that list.

I didn't really mean it in that sense. Before now, I had always lived within the near vicinity of one pro team or another so just about everyone I knew rooted for the local team. Being this far away from a major pro sports city just got me curious how it was in other parts of the country.
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The Packers, despite playing in what is technically the NFL's smallest media market (if you don't include Milwaukee), actually has one of the biggest followings in all of pro sports.

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Braves fans are a great example: Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky (rubs with Reds fans), S. Carolina, N. Carolina, Virginia (Thanks to Richmond Braves), Alabama, Mississippi. There's a reason they call it Braves Country.

I always like to point this out b/c I hate when people say Braves fans suck for not showing to games. Braves fans are everywhere, and passionate. But, nobody is passionate about Atlanta transit...which is why the Ted only fills up when the ticket is worth it.

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Braves fans are a great example: Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky (rubs with Reds fans), S. Carolina, N. Carolina, Virginia (Thanks to Richmond Braves), Alabama, Mississippi. There's a reason they call it Braves Country.

I always like to point this out b/c I hate when people say Braves fans suck for not showing to games. Braves fans are everywhere, and passionate. But, nobody is passionate about Atlanta transit...which is why the Ted only fills up when the ticket is worth it.

Being nationally televised everyday on TBS didn't hurt either.

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People really root for Kentucky outside of Kentucky? Okay, then...

As much as we like to lambast them, the St. Louis Cardinals are an example of this. Their signal on KMOX carried throughout the midwest and is part of why Cardinals fans can be found throughout the midwest.


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There must be a strong correlation between the amount of media coverage a team received in the 60s, 70s and 80s to the rest of the league and the current popularity of said team.

The Cowboys received tons of mainstream media (i.e. not just sports media) coverage in the 80s in their "America's Team" years and they still have a huge bandwagon following as a result. The baseball teams that have benefitted from heavy superstation coverage over the years (Cubs and Braves) have big national followings. In Canada, the Leafs and Canadiens still have huge followings across the country owing to fact that baby boomers grew up with them being the only teams in Canada and therefore always on Hockey Night in Canada.

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There must be a strong correlation between the amount of media coverage a team received in the 60s, 70s and 80s to the rest of the league and the current popularity of said team.

Interesting point. Here in Britain there are a load of Raiders and Dolphins fans from when there was the big NFL craze over here in the 1980s. Following the more recent popularity gain again in the 2000s you will see a lot of Patriots fans and in particular Brady jerseys.

In terms of premier league football, if you go to a town or city that does not have a premiership side nearby, you can pretty much guarantee that the majority of people will support Manchester United or Liverpool. This was certainly true when I lived in Stoke, back before they were promoted to the EPL. Still remains true for places like Cornwall and North Wales, who will never have a top level side.


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Seahawks notwithstanding, it feels the Broncos are the team throughout the Rockies, with support through Oregon, Idaho, eastern Washington, Montana, Wyoming, perhaps the Dakotas (but maybe that's the Vikings/Packers/Bears?) and, of course, Colorado.

...and Utah...God. The local broadcasters wet themselves with glee every time they get the chance to air a Broncos game or a 49ers game.



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The Braves example is probably more germane to this discussion than just "who are the bandwagon teams".

Along those lines, the Steelers are popular nationwide because after the steel industry collapsed and everyone moved away from Pittsburgh, they kept rooting for the Steelers and so did their eventual kids.

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This is a screen grab from the Edmonton Sun last month. I had meant to post it in the general NFL thread for :censored:s and giggles, but never got around to it. This seems like a more appropriate place, anyway.


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