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The 2013 NHL Season Thread


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OITGDNHL. "Oh, you guys like the winter classic, huh? Well, we'll give you a half dozen a year! In warm weather, too!"

I liken this to my honeymoon. I got married a few days after Michael Jackson died. On our honeymoon in the Bahamas, our resort had kids do a tribute show with the dance from Thriller. It was really good, and the crowd loved it. What did the resort do? Trotted out the kids every other night to do the freaking Thriller dance four more times before we left. Nobody cared about if after the second time. Such is the NHL, coming up with a novel idea and then driving it into the ground.

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The NHL brought it upon itself. As long as the same cycle of eastern teams gets outdoor games, you'll have fans of the rest of the teams complaining. Now that two Pacific teams (maybe) get it, you have the east coasters complaining because it's an affront and insult to have such a thing.

Get over the west coast persecution complex. The allure of the outdoor game just doesn't lend itself to southern California. It doesn't lend itself well to the Carolinas, Florida, Nashville, Dallas, or Phoenix either.

Get over the outdoor game coming to LA.

Thank you for essentially conceding that the points about more then one game over-saturating the concept and the LA market not being suitable to host a game people expect to see snow in are valid, and that you're just in favour of it because YAY LA!

Since this is the only way any team out here will ever get one of these things... Then yes, YAY!



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I think 2 next year to make up for the lockout is not a problem and the one in Canada is different they need one too every year. I think one in Vancouver will be the right choice.



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So in a battle of "No, you score first. No, insist. You score first"

Calgary is in Denver to battle Colorado for worst record in the NHL. This is gonna be fun! But Sven is back up, so lets see how this goes.




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The NHL brought it upon itself. As long as the same cycle of eastern teams gets outdoor games, you'll have fans of the rest of the teams complaining. Now that two Pacific teams (maybe) get it, you have the east coasters complaining because it's an affront and insult to have such a thing.

Get over the west coast persecution complex. The allure of the outdoor game just doesn't lend itself to southern California. It doesn't lend itself well to the Carolinas, Florida, Nashville, Dallas, or Phoenix either.

Get over the outdoor game coming to LA.

Thank you for essentially conceding that the points about more then one game over-saturating the concept and the LA market not being suitable to host a game people expect to see snow in are valid, and that you're just in favour of it because YAY LA!

I did nothing of the sort.

And I don't think the ice quality should be that much of a concern. If they could do it in Vegas years ago, they can do it in LA now. It's in Dodger Stadium, so you know the Guggenheim uber-billionaires will be involved. They tossed a fortune at an untested, fat Korean pitcher. I'm sure they could build the North Pole in Chavez Ravine if they wanted.

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It's making a once great product, go stale. I honestly hope it's 75 degrees in Los Angeles when they do this.

And I hope a blizzard destroys Super Bowl 48 and the entire Eastern seaboard!!!

Hell I hope it does to. I'm Canadian! These leagues want to have showcases of their craft in areas that risk ruining the quality of the game. So be it!




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The NHL brought it upon itself. As long as the same cycle of eastern teams gets outdoor games, you'll have fans of the rest of the teams complaining. Now that two Pacific teams (maybe) get it, you have the east coasters complaining because it's an affront and insult to have such a thing.

Get over the west coast persecution complex. The allure of the outdoor game just doesn't lend itself to southern California. It doesn't lend itself well to the Carolinas, Florida, Nashville, Dallas, or Phoenix either.

Get over the outdoor game coming to LA.

Thank you for essentially conceding that the points about more then one game over-saturating the concept and the LA market not being suitable to host a game people expect to see snow in are valid, and that you're just in favour of it because YAY LA!

I did nothing of the sort.

And I don't think the ice quality should be that much of a concern. If they could do it in Vegas years ago, they can do it in LA now. It's in Dodger Stadium, so you know the Guggenheim uber-billionaires will be involved. They tossed a fortune at an untested, fat Korean pitcher. I'm sure they could build the North Pole in Chavez Ravine if they wanted.

The game in Vegas was just an exhibition game so it didn't really matter that much if the ice quality was poor (which I'm pretty sure it was). Considering there were weather problems in Pittsburgh, LA seems like it would be a disaster. As for this western inferiority complex, there are still a few western teams that would make better hosts than the Kings. Minnesota, Colorado (although it won't happen as long as they're bottom feeders), St. Louis, and possibly Seattle down the road could host Winter Classics in actual winter. It sucks that the NHL is going to go too far with this outdoor game novelty. At most there should be two games, one in Canada and one in the States. If the league really wants to get the most out of it they should have the All-Star Weekend at an outdoor venue. That way if the conditions aren't perfect the standings aren't affected, players may be more likely to attend, and more people might watch the actual game. They could even drop the captains picking the teams and go full pond hockey, sticks in the middle with a special guest tossing them to either side. The ASG is already a gimmick, they may as well embrace it.

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The NHL brought it upon itself. As long as the same cycle of eastern teams gets outdoor games, you'll have fans of the rest of the teams complaining. Now that two Pacific teams (maybe) get it, you have the east coasters complaining because it's an affront and insult to have such a thing.

Get over the west coast persecution complex. The allure of the outdoor game just doesn't lend itself to southern California. It doesn't lend itself well to the Carolinas, Florida, Nashville, Dallas, or Phoenix either.

Get over the outdoor game coming to LA.

Thank you for essentially conceding that the points about more then one game over-saturating the concept and the LA market not being suitable to host a game people expect to see snow in are valid, and that you're just in favour of it because YAY LA!

I did nothing of the sort.

And I don't think the ice quality should be that much of a concern. If they could do it in Vegas years ago, they can do it in LA now. It's in Dodger Stadium, so you know the Guggenheim uber-billionaires will be involved. They tossed a fortune at an untested, fat Korean pitcher. I'm sure they could build the North Pole in Chavez Ravine if they wanted.

I'm sure they could hook up enough artificial cooling plants to make the ice suitable. That's not the problem. The problem is that when you tell your average sports fan, hell, your average hockey fan that they're going to see an outdoor game they now expect cold weather and snow. Fans tuning in to see the Ducks and Kings play against the sunny backdrop of Los Angeles is going to seem very weird and disjointed.

The NHL brought it upon itself. As long as the same cycle of eastern teams gets outdoor games, you'll have fans of the rest of the teams complaining. Now that two Pacific teams (maybe) get it, you have the east coasters complaining because it's an affront and insult to have such a thing.

Get over the west coast persecution complex. The allure of the outdoor game just doesn't lend itself to southern California. It doesn't lend itself well to the Carolinas, Florida, Nashville, Dallas, or Phoenix either.

Get over the outdoor game coming to LA.

Thank you for essentially conceding that the points about more then one game over-saturating the concept and the LA market not being suitable to host a game people expect to see snow in are valid, and that you're just in favour of it because YAY LA!

Since this is the only way any team out here will ever get one of these things... Then yes, YAY!

I don't see why the Ducks or Kings are unable to compete in one of these as a road team. I don't think any team should be barred from potentially playing in a Winter Classic, but I do think that the nature of the event does mean that the location should be limited to places where you have the possibility of snow. Sucks, yes, but that's climate for you.

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I don't have a problem with it being in LA. Well I do, but not for weather reasons.

My issue is that they're going kill their golden goose with these outdoor games. One game per year is enough to keep interest without destroying the novelty. Once all good, cold weather locations have been exhausted then you play in Dodger Stadium.

Surely ice technology has improved in the 22 years since this happened


So I actually don't think the playing surface will be a problem (unless it rains again).


found a cool video


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I think we're forgetting that the ice is always bad in the outdoor games. Playing the rain isn't much better than playing in the Sun.

I only hope they do more of these games so we get more episodes of 24/7.

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The Ducks are doing everything they can through all their social media outlets to promote and encourage fans to boo Justin Schultz when the Oilers come in tonight.

I don't like what he did by waiting out his right/flipping his decision/shunning the Ducks/signing with the Oilers either, and I was going to boo, but the lengths the actual organization is going to to make the fans get on this kid is kinda ridiculous.



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Cheers and boos will be raining down from the stands at Honda Center as the Ducks clash with Justin Schultz and the Edmonton Oilers tonight.

Meh, doesn't seem that bad.

I understand their hatred, but really? It's stupid to boo him, and it's stupid the lengths they're going to to get him booed.


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I'm surprised the Kings didn't use social media to promote hatred of Ryane-with-an-E Clowe before San José's first visit.

the worst helmets design to me is the Jacksonville jaguars hamlets from 1995 to 2012 because you can't see the logo vary wall

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