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Determining An Identity for Toronto's Second NHL Team


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If a team sets up in Markham, would they consider calling it the ONTARIO ___________??? Toronto is the most recognizable area name, of course, but this would differentiate the new team from the Maple Leafs while still using a somewhat recognizable area name (I don't think YORK would work for an NHL team, the general public would immediately relate it to NYC).

I also think it would be smart to use green as a main color, again to separate the new team from the blue Maple Leaf, red/blue Canadien and red/black Senator identities; I'm not familiar with Toronto history and culture to know if Celtic/Gaelic/Irish heritage is strong enough there, though...

A city with a population of 300 000 should not try to be "Ontario's Team", especially with two other active NHL teams in the province with a combined 120 years of history in Ontario.

Likewise, I's hate for them to be called the "GTA XXX". That's pretty much saying "We're Toronto's baby brother who will never be like the big city, and we'll brand ourselves as such since Markham isn't big/recognizable enough!". It's a bit like the Anaheim/LA Ducks discussion in the NHL thread.

I second your point about not naming the team "York".

If and when a new team arrived, they should absolutely not consider naming themselves after a specific ethnicity or heritage. Toronto is one of the most multicultural cities in the world. The Irish heritage in Toronto is strong, sure. But so are the English, Scottish, Italian, Chinese, and Indian ones. Naming a team after just one of the many ethnic backgrounds with a strong presence in Toronto would not make the least bit of sense, especially with the Leafs' history as the St. Pats.


Nobody cares about your humungous-big signature. 

PotD: 29/1/12



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I wouldn't mind seeing them take on the name York or even North York, would be a nice seperation. I feel as though Roses or Thorns may be deemed to close to Maple Leafs, two teams in the same city both named after plants. Can't see it happening.

Strangely enough York and North York are two different places. York Region is the area north of the city of Toronto that extends all the way up to Newmarket and includes cities like Markham and Vaughn. North York is the northernmost part of the city of Toronto (ironically it is just south of York Region). I don't see them calling the team the York or Markham *insert nickname here. While this is technically where they will play, it is much too regional (like Glendale Coyotes would be). Ontario doesn't really work either, considering there are 2 other teams in the province, so all that leaves is Toronto. In order to differentiate themselves from the Leafs, the new team can't choose a name/logo/colour scheme that is considered "traditional". The franchise's goal should be to bring in the next generation of fans rather than convert Leaf fans. A name like Dragons and an exciting, original colour scheme would get people's attention, and if the on-ice product were consistently better than the Leafs for a few seasons (not out of the question if it's a relocated team) then this could actually do well.

Also, if I'm a Leaf fan I would want a second team in Toronto right away. Taking away MLSE's monopoly on hockey in the city would force them to pay more attention to the on-ice product and spend less time counting their money.

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The NHL doesn't have any year names (49ers, 76ers) How bout a page out of Ottawa's OHL book.

Toronto 67's.

On September 20, 2012 at 0:50 AM, 'CS85 said:

It's like watching the hellish undead creakily shuffling their way out of the flames of a liposuction clinic dumpster fire.

On February 19, 2012 at 9:30 AM, 'pianoknight said:

Story B: Red Wings go undefeated and score 100 goals in every game. They also beat a team comprised of Godzilla, the ghost of Abraham Lincoln, 2 Power Rangers and Betty White. Oh, and they played in the middle of Iraq on a military base. In the sand. With no ice. Santa gave them special sand-skates that allowed them to play in shorts and t-shirts in 115 degree weather. Jesus, Zeus and Buddha watched from the sidelines and ate cotton candy.

POTD 5/24/12POTD 2/26/17


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How about the Toronto Too Kools? Have KOOL cigarettes be the official sponsor, go with a color pattern of neon pink, teal, plum, and red (but have the official shade called "Slut Red").

The mascot could be an educational tool for kids; something like Koolio the Kancerous Polyp. Any words that utilize C will be replaced with K; everybody in the building is required to wear sunglasses.

Official goal anthem would be the Mambo No. 5, primary uniform crest would be Paul Rudd's face with a speech bubble saying, "Yeah!"

"You are nothing more than a small cancer on this message board. You are not entertaining, you are a complete joke."


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I wouldn't mind seeing them take on the name York or even North York, would be a nice seperation. I feel as though Roses or Thorns may be deemed to close to Maple Leafs, two teams in the same city both named after plants. Can't see it happening.

In order to differentiate themselves from the Leafs, the new team can't choose a name/logo/colour scheme that is considered "traditional". The franchise's goal should be to bring in the next generation of fans rather than convert Leaf fans. A name like Dragons and an exciting, original colour scheme would get people's attention, and if the on-ice product were consistently better than the Leafs for a few seasons (not out of the question if it's a relocated team) then this could actually do well.

I'm not gonna lie; I love the Dragons name. I'll get flamed for this, but there was a team (Milano Vipers) that had reptile scale patterned socks. That would be awesome for the Toronto Dragons.

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How about these suggestions?

Seagulls or Gulls

Phantoms (defunct Arena League name)


Tea Men

and for some long shots, paying homage to the NBA Raptors:



So far for me Toros,Dragons, or Mongrels are my top picks

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Ok here's another suggestion, if the Coyotes move out of Phoenix to Toronto... watchout it's a biggie! Don't want to overwhelm anyone...

COYOTES... just change the logo and team colors, and oh,if the owner buys the rights to the franchise, get this, he can keep the current ones!!

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It's only a suggestion... there are other team names, particulary Native American names that are being heavily criticized for being offensive, depending on ones' P.O.V.

Yeah, and the key argument against most of those nicknames and/or logos is that it's amazing they still exist in the 21st century. No team, starting from scratch in this day and age, is going with the name "Mongrels."

Ok here's another suggestion, if the Coyotes move out of Phoenix to Toronto... watchout it's a biggie! Don't want to overwhelm anyone...

COYOTES... just change the logo and team colors, and oh,if the owner buys the rights to the franchise, get this, he can keep the current ones!!

That's actually not that bad an idea, if the Coyotes do make the move. Coyotes are native to southern Ontario.

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I just looked up a list of Stanley Cup Champions... and there was a mention of Toronto Marlboros, Toronto Trolley Leaguers, and Toronto Wellingtons [all of pre- NHL era].

Well the Marboros name is essentially being used by the Leafs' farm team, the Toronto Marlies, so that's a no-go. Toronto Wellingtons is interesting, but if they're going to go that route I'd rather they go with Royals or Loyalists.

Toronto Trolley Leaguers 2.0 has money written all over it though :upside:

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Ok here's another suggestion, if the Coyotes move out of Phoenix to Toronto... watchout it's a biggie! Don't want to overwhelm anyone...

COYOTES... just change the logo and team colors, and oh,if the owner buys the rights to the franchise, get this, he can keep the current ones!!

That's actually not that bad an idea, if the Coyotes do make the move. Coyotes are native to southern Ontario.

Yeah, that could work. Although there's that negative stigma attached to the Coyotes name so how likely would it be that they keep the name upon relocating?


PotD: 24/08/2017

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It's only a suggestion... there are other team names, particulary Native American names that are being heavily criticized for being offensive, depending on ones' P.O.V.

Yeah, and the key argument against most of those nicknames and/or logos is that it's amazing they still exist in the 21st century. No team, starting from scratch in this day and age, is going with the name "Mongrels."

Ok here's another suggestion, if the Coyotes move out of Phoenix to Toronto... watchout it's a biggie! Don't want to overwhelm anyone...

COYOTES... just change the logo and team colors, and oh,if the owner buys the rights to the franchise, get this, he can keep the current ones!!

That's actually not that bad an idea, if the Coyotes do make the move. Coyotes are native to southern Ontario.

The reasoning for my suggestion of Mongrels is that Toronto is a high ethnically diverse city. The United Nations designated Toronto as the world's most ethnically diverse urban center. Only Miami is more ethnically diverse than Toronto, and if you, or anyone else has visited Toronto, you would clearly understand this. Was I using it as a negative, derogatory term or racial slur? No, but if you use the right logo, such as a mean looking dog, it would fit right appropriately.

Mongrel - an animal or plant,esp. a dog, of mixed breed, or of mixed breed,origin, character,etc.

You have a right to say that no team will use this name, that's your opinion, will it ever be used? Probably not, but it is just that... a suggestion.

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