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Washington Wizards Concept - Uniforms Added


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Here is a rehashing of a logo I did that was featured in the DC City Paper back in 2011. New wordmarks and secondaries and a couple edits to the primary. Their current stuff is an improvement over the previous, but is also a mish-mash of randomness and I think lacks overall cohesiveness. Trying to fix that here.

*Yes, the Wizard bears resemblance to Dave Grohl, unintentional, though he is from a Virginia suburb 5 miles from DC where he went to high school and was highly influenced from bands playing at DC's best venues. Complete chance that this happened.


Edit: Uniforms added


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I like your concept, and it is cool in some ways. But they just need to bring back the Bullets man, all they need is a new logo, they can keep the uniforms, and the alternate. And the colors, it's stupid how we changed our name from the awesome Bullets to the dorky Wizards because there is too much crime in DC. Well, it's his fault to blame when black magic is performed on the streets of Washington DC, and then we'll change our name back for good

File:Virginia Tech Hokies logo.svg


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Thanks for all feedback. Here's some uniform ideas. Their current unis are way too much and the numbers look terrible. Too much going on and trying too hard to be the Bullets and the Wizards at the same time. This is a more conservative approach, using stripes inspired by the DC flag that do not span around the whole uniform. I did however add a version where the stripe goes all the way across the back for the sake of seeing what it could look like.


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The current Wizards stuff is red white and blue and I think it works much better, since the Caps are in RWB and teams in DC should be RWB, but here it is in the old colors. The banner underneath the wordmark on the unis (works better in RWB) is denoting the DC flag with the 3 stars, not just random.


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I love this, especially with the new old colors. (Old to them, new to the concept). Is there a particular reason just the "zar" in the script is underlined, maybe like the "win" in "twins"?


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Those are awesome! It flows together so well with both color schemes. I could live with either color scheme, but I think gold replacing the silver in the red/navy scheme would look nice. Almost like the original Washington Nationals set.

Great job!

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I'm gonna go a bit against the grain here. The set overall is great. I'm not a fan of the shield/Capitol/Washington monument logo. It looks really slapped together for me.

Rest looks great though.


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I really like what you've done here. Very detailed and it works well with the wizard theme. However, I personally am more partial to their more Bullets-esque look they have now (mainly because I was always more of a Bullets fan anyway). But, great work regardless!


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Call me what you will, but the D|C logo looks...looks a little phallic.

Dig the blue/gold scheme.

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