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San francisco giants uni questions


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Did the 1978 or 1977 Orange Giants jerseys have numbers on the front or name on the back?  Also did that black jersey with the orange Giants script have names on the back or numbers on the front?  Thanks!
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They all had numbers on the front and names on the back.  The numbers were block and were the same color/outline as the team name on the front.  They all had names on the back.  I believe that the names were two-color.
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ARRRRRRGGGGHHHH!! Why for the love of god did they have to dress like CalTrans workers those years!

what was worst though was the fact that for a few of those years (when they wore the "SAN FRANCISCO" lettering on the orange jersey) they wore ORANGE sanitary socks underneath the black stirrups puke.gif

I have an old John Lemmaster card that illustrates this forgettable look.

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i do not own orange socks and never plan to purchase any.  that said, i think those late 70s unis are still better than the presumed-dead black alternates w/black #s.


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