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Rite of Spring '14: Can you fall asleep with a panic switch?


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Chicago Blackhawks terror level right now:


I am God-damn nervous for Game 6. I am on the verge of throwing-up over the anxiety over the next 48 hours. It's the situation I preferred LA to avoid, but now have no choice but to play along in. It's the nightmarish situation Chicago loves to be in and terrorize other teams in, and I honestly think that the Kings could be completely crestfallen because of how tonight ended. Chicago is Freddy Krueger to LA being the kids he haunts in his dreams.

So bitterly, they did everything right tonight, rose up from two two-goal deficits, and they still lost to the Chicago Nightmare Sound Machine at the Terror on Madison. Tonight's ending is the kind of spark the 'Hawks usually harness to avoid being eliminated and it's the kind of ending where the losing team goes dead-man walking.

Excuse me while I stock up on Advil, Red Bull, mini-towelettes and some truck belt harnesses, all in preparation for the 60-minute nightmare show on ice, also known as a Game 6 involving Chicago.

I think I'm going to be sick...

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Chicago Blackhawks terror level right now:


I am God-damn nervous for Game 6. I am on the verge of throwing-up over the anxiety over the next 48 hours. It's the situation I preferred LA to avoid, but now have no choice but to play along in. It's the nightmarish situation Chicago loves to be in and terrorize other teams in, and I honestly think that the Kings could be completely crestfallen because of how tonight ended. Chicago is Freddy Krueger to LA being the kids he haunts in his dreams.

So bitterly, they did everything right tonight, rose up from two two-goal deficits, and they still lost to the Chicago Nightmare Sound Machine at the Terror on Madison. Tonight's ending is the kind of spark the 'Hawks usually harness to avoid being eliminated and it's the kind of ending where the losing team goes dead-man walking.

Excuse me while I stock up on Advil, Red Bull, mini-towelettes and some truck belt harnesses, all in preparation for the 60-minute nightmare show on ice, also known as a Game 6 involving Chicago.

I think I'm going to be sick...

Now THIS is actually what you'd call "Mr. Dramatic Negative Nancy chiming in."

Good Lord, dude.... it's just a game.


POTD: 2/4/12 3/4/12

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Game 6 is basically Game 7 for the Kings, as I don't see us winning an actual Game 7 in Chicago, so it's essentially just one game left. And with the way Quick fumbles the puck and gives up juicy rebounds every time he plays the Blackhawks, we basically need our whole offense to bail him out all game. That's a lot to ask coming off an exhausting 2OT chokejob loss.

This logic extends in basketball better because home teams win Game 7 at a much higher rate than road teams because the inherent nature of basketball means the better team is likely to win on any given day.

This doesn't work nearly as well in hockey. Lets look at some Game 7 results in this playoff year alone:

Philadelphia vs. New York - 2-1 Rangers

Minnesota vs. Colorado - 5-4 Wild F/OT

Montreal vs. Boston - 3-1 Canadiens

New York vs. Pittsburgh - 2-1 Rangers

Los Angeles vs. Anaheim - 6-2 Kings (FFS, you just saw the Kings win a road Game 7)

The road team is 4-1 in Game 7. Furthermore, Los Angeles has already won a game at the UC in this series and they definitely could've won tonight, too. Now, is LA going to be favored if this goes 7? No, but the fact is that, at this point in time, LA only has to win half their remaining potential games while Chicago has to win 100% of their remaining potential games. The odds are in favor of the Kings.

The Kings have won two Game 7's on the road this playoffs....San Jose and Anaheim.

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Do we have people here who seriously think a team full of professionals, many of whom won the Cup with this team just two years ago and went toe-to-toe with Chicago last year, are seriously going to be completely gutted to be going home to a Game 6 holding a 3-2 series lead?

Look, I'm not sure how I would react if the Lightning were in a spot akin to this, I guess, but I sure wouldn't be reacting like the Lightning just lost an elimination game. Chicago LIKES to be in a 3-2 series hole facing elimination on the road; seriously?

Good grief. Chicago has an excellent hockey team, and anyone who seriously thought they would whither and die in that 3rd period because they were down by one whole goal are nuts.


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I seriously think the Kings just lost the series tonight. Chicago was on the ropes and we blew it. Unbelievable.

And I'm the "Negative Nancy"? At least I didn't bury the Kings for playoff death after tonight's game. All I implied was that all the pressure, all of it, for Game 6 is on the Kings. They can still be focused and shake-off what happened tonight, but it's the God-damn Chicago freaking Blackhawks we're talking about here!

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(reads Dbad's response)



"And then I remember to relax, and stop trying to hold on to it, and then it flows through me like rain and I can't feel anything but gratitude for every single moment of my stupid little life... You have no idea what I'm talking about, I'm sure. But don't worry... you will someday." 

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Kramerica, you're forgetting one :(

The Kings have won two Game 7's on the road this playoffs....San Jose and Anaheim.

Yeah, thanks for that catch, you guys. I feel like that OT game was throwing me for a loop trying to think of other OT Game 7's and, well, LA/SJ flew over my head, being a blowout and everything.

Of course, road teams being 5-1 just hammers the point home further, and LA being 2-0 on the road in Game 7 hammers the point in as far as possible.


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Let me just state the facts to the doom and gloomers.


Plus, they're arguably in a better position than the Rangers, since they get a close out game at home before a coin flip Game 7 and didn't cough up 7 goals with a 3-1 lead.


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I seriously think the Kings just lost the series tonight. Chicago was on the ropes and we blew it. Unbelievable.

You still have two games left. As much as I'd like that to be true, you can't say things like that in hockey.

This isn't basketball, games aren't predetermined in the NHL.

Game 6 is basically Game 7 for the Kings, as I don't see us winning an actual Game 7 in Chicago, so it's essentially just one game left. And with the way Quick fumbles the puck and gives up juicy rebounds every time he plays the Blackhawks, we basically need our whole offense to bail him out all game. That's a lot to ask coming off an exhausting 2OT chokejob loss.

Chokejob? Chokejob?

THE KINGS WERE DOWN 3-1. If anybody choked, it was the Hawks.

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Chicago Blackhawks terror level right now:

I am God-damn nervous for Game 6. I am on the verge of throwing-up over the anxiety over the next 48 hours. It's the situation I preferred LA to avoid, but now have no choice but to play along in. It's the nightmarish situation Chicago loves to be in and terrorize other teams in, and I honestly think that the Kings could be completely crestfallen because of how tonight ended. Chicago is Freddy Krueger to LA being the kids he haunts in his dreams.

So bitterly, they did everything right tonight, rose up from two two-goal deficits, and they still lost to the Chicago Nightmare Sound Machine at the Terror on Madison. Tonight's ending is the kind of spark the 'Hawks usually harness to avoid being eliminated and it's the kind of ending where the losing team goes dead-man walking.

Excuse me while I stock up on Advil, Red Bull, mini-towelettes and some truck belt harnesses, all in preparation for the 60-minute nightmare show on ice, also known as a Game 6 involving Chicago.

I think I'm going to be sick...

Your team came into the playoffs as the 6th best team in the West, having won the Cup 2 years prior. You have literally nothing to lose. The Kings made it to the god damn Conference Finals, have some god damn perspective.

Ehh, at that point in time, I'm not exactly sure you can say Hiller was much better than Lindback. Towards the end of the season, Hiller was looking like Marc-Andre Fleury in a playoff game against the Flyers...

Anyways, I just thought that, of all people to point out the Ducks' failures, it probably shouldn't be you since your favorite team had nothing to do with the Ducks' loss, nor did your favorite team do any better than the Ducks.

Just to cycle back on this, let me get this straight:

Because of what happened to the hockey team that I root for, on the other side of the continent, that means I'm not allowed, per se, to post some basic facts? Because that's my main takeaway with that kind of logic. The Lightning played like turd against the Habs and lost; yippee. I'm still not sure how in the world that that matters when we're talking about how Chicago and Anaheim have fared in their playoff matchups with Los Angeles this year, nor am I sure how the Lightning's playoff run prohibits me from observing and commenting on that.

Your post seemed kind of... "braggy" to me. Whatever, I'm not going to argue anymore with Mr. Anal Retentive.

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You're seem to be really showing your age recently Funky. (Might be the pot calling the kettle black considering my age, but I don't think I've done anything bad on these boards) With your recent posts in this thread and some other threads plus your recent avatar picture change and the reasoning behind it.


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I can do what I want, :censored: you.

If somebody can use a god damn cross as their avatar, I can use an upside down Pentagram as mine. The cross is the symbol for a religion that has indirectly lead to the killing of millions of people, has taught people to hate one another, and has caused more grief for this world than any other organization. Have you heard of the Spanish Inquisition, for example?

How would you like it if somebody came to you and said, "Hey, if you don't believe in what I believe, I will kill you!"?

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Read the rest of my post.

I have the right to say whatever I want on this forum, as long as I obey the rules of the forum. Of course, people have the right to use a cross as their avatar, but then I have the right to use whatever I'd like as my avatar, as long as it isn't against forum rules (which I'm guessing prohibits anything pornographic, etc.). If you're offended by my avatar or by any of my posts, you have the option to ignore them.

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You're seem to be really showing your age recently Funky. (Might be the pot calling the kettle black considering my age, but I don't think I've done anything bad on these boards) With your recent posts in this thread and some other threads plus your recent avatar picture change and the reasoning behind it.

What is the reasoning behind the pentagram avatar out of curiosity?

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Read the rest of my post.

It had nothing to do with religion, I was meaning the fact that you posted in the grinds your gears thread that it "offended" you and then you changed it to spite mr.nascar13. It could have been about anything, he could have had a picture of NASCAR and then you changed yours to "NASCAR sucks" or something. It's just the fact that you are going out of your way to make fun of someone for something they like or believe in.

Anyways, you edited your post after I quoted you. So now it looks like you're trying to make me the bad guy by impling that I cut out part of your post? EDIT: You did it again with this post of yours that I quoted.


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At least the conference finals are going at minimum 6 games this year, unlike a year ago when there was only one extra game that needed to be played between the 2 series.


2013/14 Tanks Picks Champion

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