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Status Updates posted by derschwigg

  1. A new personal best, according to my Note 4's Pedometer! https://t.co/OWIo621xda

  2. A rough idea for the Denver Broncos in my personal NFL Redesign project. Pretty happy with it! http://t.co/UoahPW6en0

  3. A sneak of an upcoming project. 1/30 done at this point. https://t.co/yFSAIb1efE

  4. A sun shines over it. #nofilter @ Lower Meramec Park https://t.co/D20oFMp2Jn

  5. A trio of @davekellett 's Sheldon for this office wall. Now I don't look so new! http://t.co/hMM5GHZlqQ

  6. Aaron Rodgers in a fat suit aping a Chicago accent yelling AWW JEEZ will never be not funny to me

  7. Actually bought a scratch lotto ticket. Won $10. #besteveningever

  8. Actually, it's having trouble with Mavericks. Anyone got a #Brackets fix? @brackets?

  9. Adobe Photoshop has unexpectedly crashed. #ScaryStoriesIn5Words @midnight

  10. Ahh yes. The time of year where millions of people bet on college kids making their free throws. *forks out 75 dollars*

  11. Alright, @ALIVESHOES, let's see what we can do together.

  12. Also, @Reptilegames Lethal League looks like a TON of fun. Any word on if/when it's getting a Mac port?

  13. Also, Happy LOST day, everyone. 4, 8, 15...16, 23, 42.

  14. Also, heard a rumor that the Galaxy Note 2 was going to be getting a 4.3 upgrade last week. @VerizonWireless, where's my Jelly Bean at?

  15. Also, people LOVE trying to help you out after you get butthurt from people not immediately loving your work. It's a craft. It takes time.

  16. Also, SUPER excited to head to a pre-screening of #Anchorman2 tomorrow night! Thanks, @Y98!

  17. Also, that stadium render simply LOOKS incredible. #STLNFL

  18. Always great seeing a #Creighton #Bluejay do well. Congrats Kyle Korver!

  19. An age old question answered over on RedBubble: Knowing is half the battle, but what's the other half? http://t.co/WydQLP2QEl

  20. An idea for rebranding the Redskins in my #NFLRedesign project http://t.co/e2iEGXHbzQ

  21. And here comes the rain. So glad I didn't wash cars today.

  22. And just like that, I'm back in the money for the work pool! Thanks, Tar Heels!

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