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Posts posted by oaklandhusker

  1. My motives are clean, I promise.

    Are they? You tried to defend someone who was banned for using a second account to circumnavigate a suspension earlier in this thread. Now you're asking how IP bans work. Forgive me if I'm just a bit suspicious.

    And to add to the intrigue, that was the first post from that IP address.
    I'm on my phone, man.

    And the guy I defended a while back was banned for having two accounts, not using a new account to circumvent a suspension.

    You could just answer the question, you know.

  2. My motives are clean, I promise.

    How does an IP ban work? Can one no longer access the site from the banned IP, or is it purely registration? In other words, if I have an account, and I go to the house of someone who for some reason had his location banned here, would I be able to log in? If he came to my house and registered, would he be able to use his new account from his house?

  3. I understand the second suspension thread for the guy with four accounts, he made the third and fourth to get around being banned. But I don't remember seeing in the rules that you can't have two accounts. Is that a recent add?

    It's been stated board policy to not tolerate dupe accounts since 2006.
    I just saw that thread in this subforum. While it forbids multiple accounts, it lists a punishment of two weeks. The first suspension thread of this guy says a full ban.

    You sound like you're trying to defend him, (or her)

    If a person has an account suspended for behavior, and says "fine, I'll just continue to visit here from a different account", that's against the rules.

    If people aren't mature enough to behave themselves on an internet message board, they get punished.

    What does it day when you have to create another account to get around a suspension or banishment? It says you aren't mature enough to be a member anyway. Or you're a troll. Either way.

    I'm not defending him at all. I was simply wondering why the first suspension for dual accounts said it was simply for using two accounts simultaneously, not for the suspension. I sought only to understand.
  4. I understand the second suspension thread for the guy with four accounts, he made the third and fourth to get around being banned. But I don't remember seeing in the rules that you can't have two accounts. Is that a recent add?

    It's been stated board policy to not tolerate dupe accounts since 2006.
    I just saw that thread in this subforum. While it forbids multiple accounts, it lists a punishment of two weeks. The first suspension thread of this guy says a full ban.
  5. Ok here is the test jersey...

    Nords test

    One single jersey... and it is still shrinking it. Any other ideas? I know everyone wants them and I want to put them on here but there i no point if Photobucket keeps shrinking them.

    They look fine when I click on the link...

    But when you go to use the templates, they are pixelated and don't really work like they should.


  6. Ok here is the test jersey...

    Nords test

    One single jersey... and it is still shrinking it. Any other ideas? I know everyone wants them and I want to put them on here but there i no point if Photobucket keeps shrinking them.

    They look fine when I click on the link...

  7. tex-nyy-11-alcs.png

    What font is being used for the team names? I'm working on a template

    Looks like Stymie Bold Condensed.

    Muchas gracias, but that's not it. Just tried it.

    It's the condensed one. Thank you.

    Try Rockwell or Rockwell condensed Bold

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