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Everything posted by Underdog519

  1. Westminster: The only school to take "Rock, Paper, Scissors" seriously

  2. Hey @burtwistle , JKL doesn't really apply anymore. It's just K now :P whoops.

  3. That moment when you have the same Tumblr theme as @laurentoyota #prettycool

  4. If you love country music, you're instantly 77X more attractive. No lie.

  5. Tweeting from the top of a rock wall because #yolo

  6. Listening to "Cruise Remix" by @FLAGALine on repeat. SOOOOOOOOOO good :)

  7. You had one job Westminster, one bloody job. WEAR GOLD OR YELLOW

  8. Crap crap crap crap crap crap crap ... In a rather large hat

  9. Guis help me out. Is there a thunderstorm outside? I can't tell or not ...

  10. Gonna miss yah old guy. You were really really old. http://t.co/ZkfbO9ML6Q

  11. I think I cleared out @MohawkCollege of all their free stuff ... http://t.co/b1pRks5uSt

  12. Since when did gym class become like camp? http://t.co/8VucBEm4Nh

  13. Going to @MohawkCollege tomorrow for their open house. Hamilton adventures!

  14. I favorited a @YouTube video http://t.co/wnUDAHXnpa Sound and Light Show - 2013 World Figure Skating Championship - London, Ontario,

  15. So anxious to get back on the field ... yet so many road blocks.

  16. Anyone have a bike trainer/stand I can borrow April 25?

  17. Why are they using a banjo in the school announcements -.-

  18. "As a fundraiser, a Chicago high school played Justin Bieber's "Baby" between class. Students paid to stop it" West does this, fails epicly

  19. The same people fight every week at our school, you think they would know what the problems is by now #westminsterproblems

  20. Fun event today with @PillarNN , @LondonLightning and others! Going to be an amazing campaign! #CTWYouth #volunteer #changetheworld

  21. Jordan does a Google search: Spells 3 of 4 words incorrectly. Sad part, Google knew what he was talking about.

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