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Status Updates posted by llamafeed

  1. @rumbunter There aren't many more clear cut examples

  2. @thepointsguy What hotel is this?

  3. @rumbunter SALE THE TEAM! #FireNutting #HurdleIsCheap

  4. @NickXhaj @BigCatCountry Zero depth on that defense too ???

  5. @J_Siettmann You think either would seriously go to LA? Ingram and Ball are nothing compared to Embiid and Simmons… https://t.co/DnBUezJuB8

  6. @BoldCityCap Oh no he's not my kin, he's just being slandered online by someone who (judging by your take) has prob… https://t.co/gWLgvu214N

  7. RT @MathBomb: The #Jaguars drafted three players with an elite #RAS this season, while none of their picks came in below average. https://t…

  8. @BucsDugout Lots of typos ahhhhh Proofreading is your friend

  9. @vitostellino You're like a broken record, we get it, you hate Blake and teams that run the ball... Try something new for a change

  10. @BigCatCountry @SBNation https://t.co/VIuIW7shoz

  11. @Liberty_Ballers Serious question though: When does Colangelo get some credit for this success? JJ, Ersan, Belinell… https://t.co/641y15GmNA

  12. @rumbunter @NorthShoreNine We have the highest scoring offense in the League and a 1 run deficit against a bad pitc… https://t.co/3yllD2umgq

  13. @El_Sovereign @PeoplezPen @Fantrax @GridironSchol91 @Ripbobby_G @FloridaGators Mixon had 1 event & was racially pro… https://t.co/eUyNizInGm

  14. . @YahooFantasy how do you live with yourself having your standard money format in #fantasybaseball not factor in walks?

  15. @SixManRoto @EricCross04 Who should I add when I drop Goldschmidt? #bust #humidor #sarcasm

  16. @PeoplezPen Duffy was pretty terrible

  17. RT @JoelEmbiid: @MarkelleF https://t.co/0XBZKhhj95

  18. @vitostellino “Worked until it didn’t” lol what a crock. Guess Brady “worked until he didn’t” in the 4th Q of the SB

  19. @Oliver_Jenson @Liberty_Ballers Thanks for the assist

  20. @hungyhungyhippo @AdamSchefter You can’t let a significantly more historic moment have its time in light? #sad #eatshorsepoop

  21. @AlfieBCC Don’t get our hopes up damnit

  22. @LateRoundLegend Is this for real?

  23. I don’t usually tweet non-sports things but I just had to share this. My dog is an amazing big brother somehow https://t.co/O6EkHkfcLQ

  24. @GigantorinJax @Jaguars The away version of those would look really bad

  25. @BloopAndABlast Wow lol what are the chances?

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