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Status Updates posted by inallairness

  1. .@Camnstell, such a 'great game', Nick, we devoted an entire podcast episode to it: https://t.co/sRHFiJXFab | #SteadyBee ... @Stehny

  2. @AKATheMaskedMan, hey. Can you pls confirm you have received any of my recent e-mails? I would love to finalize the purchase of your book.

  3. @AKATheMaskedMan, hey. Enjoyed your Cheap Heat "NBA-emoji Summer" reference. I'm still hoping to buy two (personalized) copies of your book.

  4. @askewhoops, great photo, Vincent.

  5. @bull50, maybe Vincent? Think about that one, Matt.

  6. @Bulldawg49, I've got plenty more! Care to see a few?

  7. @Camnstell, Nick, you're a good man! Thank you. @jeffpeart's MJ story is an absolute ripper!

  8. @CanOnlyBeOne_ @DoubleClutchUK @Matsmashed @GMS_NBA, nothing short of a farce.

  9. @Dan_Attias, I'll check it out, mate. Been offline for two days; holidaying in Tassie. Cradle Mountain = awesome. However, no phone / net!

  10. @erecasner @UW_MBB, did he have a double-double? Hopefully - it befits his name.

  11. @hoppysport @EWilkowski @RichieKalikow, a great read. Thanks, @sportsrapport, for a generous mention / link to my podcast w/ @PeterVecsey1.

  12. @Howsito, aside from the nostalgia and prestige of winning the box?! Well, @jeffpeart's best to answer that. He originally purchased it.

  13. @jeffpeart @AntoineCarr55, your memory, Jeff, is a strange - yet wonderful - thing!

  14. @joelhitt @Stehny, thirded.

  15. @jwbolin @TheFieldhouse @Stehny @Howsito, greetings to you, mate. However, I'll have to pull you up on the world's greatest arena! Enjoy.

  16. @jwbolin, indeed it is, mate.

  17. @jwbolin, they had some greats there. Awesome stuff from the Kings.

  18. @jwbolin, true, mate. At least I was there! Re that photo, not sure who is on MJ's right. Not the greatest angle to identify him, either.

  19. @kray1 @TomLeander @Jumpshot8, excellent to hear! I hope to invite Tom on my NBA-history podcast to chat about it. Thanks, Kevin!

  20. @LmDuppins, looks good, James! Nice pickup, mate.

  21. @LouCanellis @TomDore, that's great, Lou. Thank you. Is Steve Kashul on Twitter?

  22. @luke2177 @Convo_23, this was almost a certain win. True. If they drop one more, in the next four five games, Kerr may opt to sit guys out.

  23. @markbradtke @AndyMaherSEN @TheRunHome @kobebryant, can someone please confirm that they've sighted @AndrewGaze10, alive & kicking, since?!

  24. @mrvincecarter15, happy birthday, Vinsanity. Who's the best in-game dunker of all-time? You, MJ, Nique, Julius or other?!

  25. @OfficialDrJ6 @OrlandoMagicPat @Stehny, I would have tagged Gordon Jones in the above tweet, had I known an appropriate Twitter handle.

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