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Status Updates posted by SunnyHMoon

  1. .@Converse chuck taylors with lunarlon?? count me in

  2. "i hate fake people" - girl with plastic surgery

  3. @_robynborden getcho snap score up

  4. @55west81st um who

  5. @660NEWSTraffic really bad backup still all the way back on SB crowchild

  6. @AbstractLife once our dollar gets better. I'll definitely be down there!

  7. @AbstractLife pitching is the place where i'm worried about but that's literally every year for the jays. how's the defending champs lookin

  8. @ACantu77 @JoshEberley @D3SP4 agreed. from jack to heath to leto. they're all different personalities, which makes it more fun for viewers

  9. @Bell_Support will the Marshmallow 6.0 update for the Galaxy S6 still be released in March?

  10. @Chornstarr @MeganUna hahahha I love it. What an honour, thank you megan

  11. @Chornstarr I'll never forget you my Joey partner in crime

  12. @darrenrovell @lakerchristine @UniWatch

  13. @Disciple2123 @JoshEberley @AndrewDBailey ummm lakers did exactly that?

  14. @jessicaruffz oh and @jordanjasperr ?

  15. @jessicaruffz sorrrry

  16. @JessicaZhao011 ??

  17. @JimmyBunks hate it when people touch my arm to see what it says https://t.co/h5Vk9s38fh

  18. @Joebruneel @TheBobbyUllman @UniWatch @conradburry i think it counts because that's not the cavs' reg home uni, whereas as lakers, i'd agree

  19. @jordanstilees bruhhhh double spare in the noon is life

  20. @kanyewest the lane of purpose

  21. @kayadee geez. The highlight of my nights at cboys is the dogfather

  22. @kbuuustos https://t.co/FQnvR6xiXr

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