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Least Watched World Series Ever.


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Baseball, like Hockey (with Basketball growing ever closer) is becoming a regional sport. If the team playing is your team you watch, but if not, you don't care. It's not necessarily a bad thing for the fan, but it's horrible for the networks and MLB. I agree that part of the problem is that MLB, FOX, ESPN, etc. not marketing anyone other than Yankees and Red Sawks, but another huge problem is that "regular Joe's" like me have too much other stuff to do than plop down for 3 1/2 or 4 hours and watch a baseball game when I have to work tomorrow and we're having all these damn contests on the CCSLC. :D

Baseball is doing a horrible job promoting the game and its stars. And don't give me the bit about attendance numbers. Hockey's numbers are through the roof from the last season they played but you can't pay the "regular Joe" to watch it. NBA attendence numbers are great, but "regular Joe" hates the NBA. There's just too much other stuff to do out there than watch a long, boring ass baseball game when you know there will be another one in two or three days. I will watch every damn SuperBowl I am able to just because I know when it's over, it's over, a champ is crowned, and the Redskins will overspend on some free agent from that team (David Patten...lol).

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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