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Everything posted by Lee.

  1. Hey designerds. http://t.co/KAbv2uxeCA you're welcome.

  2. What's that? You need a ride to work and feel the need to have a full conversation with me as I sleep? I'm here only for you, my sweet.

  3. And if you missed it, our cat gave birth to 6 out of 7 kittehs on my wife's side of the bed this morning. RIP white duvet cover.

  4. holy :censored:, I'm hungry

  5. In case you missed it, KITTEHS http://t.co/imAIK9ddOn

  6. But would the world have loved Huckleberry Finn had Twain written it under his real name, Merv Turtlebaum?

  7. Out of 7 kittens, 6 survived and are eating well. RIP, Royal O'Reilly Laminger.

  8. According to this movie, Rebecca DeMornay still gots it.

  9. I may have adopted a dog.

  10. WHY DIDN'T I SAVE MY FILE IN HYDROGEN #:censored::censored::censored:

  11. Awww man. RIP Jonathan Winters :((

  12. I have two rolo easter eggs upstairs in the freezer. Correct that: one roll easter egg.

  13. Because when my brain gets stagnant, I get antsy, and when I get antsy, I download drum machines and multitrackers, okay? Don't judge.

  14. Believe me I stopped asking for logic from the women in my life ages ago. Empathy would be cool though. Or a conversation.

  15. Unsurprisingly, I love this guitar. In green, of course. http://t.co/JVmWhbuqje

  16. I'm gonna guess my laptop is completely unsuitable for recording music.

  17. Don Cherry calling someone a Luddite is like a Druid calling an Amish a witch.

  18. if your Jesus is so great, why do you need billboards to tell us about him?

  19. Pbr and peanut butter nature valley bars. Breakfast for supper.

  20. That time I called a coworker a skank and backed it up by explaining that its what a baby skunk was called.

  21. Alison Brie on 60s frocks? Moar pls

  22. .@Cmdr_Hadfield your roaming charges must be through the roof.

  23. with nearly 22k tweets, I should be able to compile the best ones into a fanzine by 2017 or so.

  24. I just don't want to live in a world where burritos aren't newborn burros

  25. Seriously who calls at 7:51 am?

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