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Posts posted by ptay

  1. 1 hour ago, DCarp1231 said:

    I find myself saying “Washington” more often than not IRL


    I've been calling them the "Deadskins" and "Foreskins" for so long that all this nickname talk is moot. The team hasn't given me a reason to call them anything else at the moment. 

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  2. 7 hours ago, DCarp1231 said:

    Commies, Manders, Mandies, 32s???


    C’mon now. I know you’ve been around these boards long enough to see these being used.


    See, ending in -dians is a hell of a lot different than starting a name with Red-. It gives fans an excuse and easy out to still use the old name. Doesn’t matter if it was Redwolves, Redtails, Redwhatever. The old name would come up a lot more. Detaching the brand completely from the old name was and is the only option.


    Those are the dumbest nicknames I have ever read in my life.

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  3. 2 hours ago, burgundy said:


    No, I would hate the name "Commanders" just as much even if they had just slapped the new logo on the old helmet and uniforms. It's a dumb, clunky name that is too long and has no good short nickname. It's also a name that nobody asked for. When they polled fans, people overwhelmingly wanted some variation of Wolves, Hogs, or Redtails. And then they pulled Commanders out of their ass, which I don't even remember being discussed as an option.


    Guardians worked because it has the same cadence as the previous name. Yes, keeping the uniforms similar helped, but the real key was finding a name that naturally fit into the flow of speech fans were used to. That's why I was a fan of going with Redtails, and why a lot of the favored names were Red______.





    And for the record, I don't love Red Wolves, Hogs, or Redtails. But it will roll more naturally off the tongue and offer shorter nicknames that I can use in casual conversation. Plus it won't hurt that those names should offer a much better visual presentation for the logos and uniforms. 

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  4. 6 minutes ago, jamesizzo said:

    Why wouldn't they? It would be better than commanders, or "football team" 🤮


    I suppose. I wouldn't hate it but I just don't see it.


    Football Team is so stupid. It's not actually a nickname and people joke about it all the time. No thanks.

    • Like 3
  5. 37 minutes ago, seasaltvanilla said:

    Given the team's history Warthogs always seemed like an obvious choice.


    You really think the NFL would have a team named the Warthogs? 

  6. As a 'barely hangin' in there by a thread' Commanders fan, talking about the team identity is exhausting. It's almost as bad as bringing up Snyder's sins during this horrific train wreck of an era. 


    I think enough is enough. This modern day way of thinking that tries so so hard to come up with a team nickname that somehow 'fits' the region/city is just not working in this case. I have not heard one team name idea that a large majority of local fans say, "That's it! We love it!" I think the closest thing that drew in a decent amount of fans was 'Red Wolves.' Not the greatest, but certainly not the worst. And guess what, it barely makes sense for the region.  If people really liked the 'Purple Grapes', I would probably just say, "Sure, why not??"


    Maybe my mindset would change with a few years of actual winning (what's that like, by the way?) but this whole nickname process has just been one big soul suck since July 2020. It's killed my joy for this team even more so and I didn't think that way possible. So when you continue to discuss the team nickname in the future, think of the tired, worn out, and depressed Commanders fans left over who have just had enough of this shizz.


    And if you happen to come up with a real name that could actually work, I may hug and kiss you. Seriously. 

    • Like 2
  7. What a weird time of the week for a leak....


    Wow is this a City Connect with actual team colors? (Unless I'm not seeing the colors right)

    They could throw that cap into the regular rotation if they wanted to.  Looks like actual white pants too, I'm stunned.

    • Like 7
  8. 2 hours ago, bowld said:

    The black base of the jersey contains a pattern designed to resemble a black shirt left out in the Florida sun a little too long, one that’s slowly fading to a lighter, grey-like shade.



    Ok, that is officially one of the dumbest 'Nike speak' sentences I've ever read in my life.

    • Like 2
  9. They look ok enough but wasn't the main knock on the old unis the fact that they were a little boring/muted?


    Now the navy jerseys don't have any additional splash of color via shoulder stripes. It's just, meh. With a worse number font.

    • Like 1
  10. Most of the all-gray away uniforms today looked terrible due to the mismatched shades of the pants and jerseys.


    The only ones that I couldn't tell were the Yankees and Giants. 


    Just a huge, huge disappointment that needs to be fixed ASAP. 

    • Like 2
  11. If you're a fan of a team with new uniforms/logos on the way, you should not be worried nor excited. It's all about acceptance. 


    You already know they're going to look like crap........ mono looks out the wazoo, plain, all-white "socks" (aka leggings), weird numeral fonts, no stripes on the pants. 


    Acceptance is the key. Expect absolute garbage and you'll be at peace. 

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  12. 50 minutes ago, SilverBullet1929 said:


    Marlins using blue better and it actually improves their black when you have this better balance of colors. 


    Look at Luzardo's jersey. Now we know what players look like when they sweat in the new jerseys. I don't know how they compare to last year's jerseys but there it is.....

    • Like 1
  13. 17 minutes ago, rfraser85 said:


    True, but there is grayscale for the Falcons using black so heavily with their 90's set. That said, I think it would look off if the Falcons brought in silver pants today.


    This does make me wonder, though. What teams with at least four colors, including white, may want to try having four jerseys and/or pants in each color?


    Don't give the Commanders any more ideas please....


    On second thought, gold/yellow pants would be all that's left to try so that would be a huge improvement

  14. Agree that most of these Nike jersey changes are a lateral move at best and some are disappointing. 


    However, for those of you willing to fork over nearly $600 for a flimsy piece of recycled material, at least the 'diaper design' of the old Majestic jerseys is no more. If Nike had unveiled that horrid design, we'd be crucifying them for months....

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