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Everything posted by ptay

  1. Ok, that is officially one of the dumbest 'Nike speak' sentences I've ever read in my life.
  2. It's sad that we've gotten to the point where a team introduces new uniforms with pant stripes and I'm instantly impressed.
  3. They look ok enough but wasn't the main knock on the old unis the fact that they were a little boring/muted? Now the navy jerseys don't have any additional splash of color via shoulder stripes. It's just, meh. With a worse number font.
  4. So the pants are.......navy? Black? Either way, they're super kewl and edgy /sarcasm font
  5. Most of the all-gray away uniforms today looked terrible due to the mismatched shades of the pants and jerseys. The only ones that I couldn't tell were the Yankees and Giants. Just a huge, huge disappointment that needs to be fixed ASAP.
  6. If you're a fan of a team with new uniforms/logos on the way, you should not be worried nor excited. It's all about acceptance. You already know they're going to look like crap........ mono looks out the wazoo, plain, all-white "socks" (aka leggings), weird numeral fonts, no stripes on the pants. Acceptance is the key. Expect absolute garbage and you'll be at peace.
  7. It looks like a Commanders jersey. Better, actually.
  8. The Nats used to have a red alternate cap with a navy bill. That would balance out the look a bit more. They've just blown through so many hats and jerseys already that their identity is becoming so muddled.
  9. Look at Luzardo's jersey. Now we know what players look like when they sweat in the new jerseys. I don't know how they compare to last year's jerseys but there it is.....
  10. Yeah, but I bet the guards didn't go all with white socks!
  11. It's a blurry image but how do we know that's a ST hat? Almost looks like the regular game caps. Either way, it's an interesting hybrid of eras and I WANT IT
  12. Don't give the Commanders any more ideas please.... On second thought, gold/yellow pants would be all that's left to try so that would be a huge improvement
  13. Agree that most of these Nike jersey changes are a lateral move at best and some are disappointing. However, for those of you willing to fork over nearly $600 for a flimsy piece of recycled material, at least the 'diaper design' of the old Majestic jerseys is no more. If Nike had unveiled that horrid design, we'd be crucifying them for months....
  14. Washington Times columnist Thom Loverro: #Orioles may not be spending money on free agents, but they are about to get a cash infusion. I’m hearing a sponsorship deal is in place with T. Rowe Price for a uniform patch — five years, $75 million
  15. Commanders wore the icy white look waaaay too much this season but they didn't wear their white socks and white pants with their color jerseys on top like those other teams you mentioned.
  16. Not surprising but that's a shame. I bet the Braves' version will be even more jarring. The new piping seems to have thicker black sections than the previous piping. It's a small change but I'm wondering if it will look funny with the piping on the pants (unless they alter that too?)
  17. Is he holding an authentic jersey? The lettering looks so small and thin!
  18. No joke, I heard multiple people who thought the patch was a Native American because the league was honoring them on Thanksgiving. If you look at it very quickly, it does kind of look like the old Washington logo.
  19. I like some of the changes they made here while missing some things from their previous set. I just have D-Backs uniform fatigue at this point. It's exhausting keeping up with their yearly changes.....
  20. That's ok, it's not like they have a winning legacy and won a Super Bowl in the gold pants or anything. Oh wait.
  21. The Nationals right after Covid..... they mostly wore their gold-trim championship uniforms at home but they also debuted a similar 'new' home white uniform that was basically the navy Nationals script (sans gold) that they had been wearing as a spring training jersey in previous years. Kinda odd now that I think about it. But then again, they make poor uniform/identity choices all the time.
  22. You've seen their navy jersey with navy letters and numbers right?
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