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Posts posted by The_Admiral

  1. Nashville subsidizes the Predators with "arena management fees" almost as much as Glendale does. There's no access to their ratings because they're delivered on an FSN South subfeed on a system-to-system basis (same with the Hurricanes), but you have to believe they must be pretty crappy. The Hurricanes' profit/loss is immaterial because they're just a toy for some creepy software developer and a pretense for a pro-standard arena at NC State. There's no reason to be fooling around in these small southern towns. I don't blame a soul for wanting to be rid of them. They're useless to the grand scheme of things. You could have these two teams in Milwaukee and Hartford and "grow the game" just fine.

  2. Ryan Lambert is almost making sense:


    The Board of Governors was supposed to sign off on the deal this week. As of this writing, that hasn't happened yet. Why? Well, according to Mike Sunnucks of the Phoenix Business Journal (who has been right about this kind of thing in the past despite the naysayers), citing two sources, "ome financing for the sale has either not been finalized or has dropped out of the deal." Which would be a problem since the deal has to be finalized by Aug. 5. It is, as of this publication, Aug. 2.
  3. Here we go again with academics in this. I love the mental picture of some potbellied whitebread dullard from Columbus, a guy whose idea of sophistication is to wear the Ohio State sweatshirt without the mayonnaise stain on the front, saying "oh, my. Boise State? Oh, boy, I don't know if they have the academic standards to play us."

  4. No, their uniforms aren't that good. The super-compressed Friz Quadrata nameplates clash with the Impact/Haettenschweiler numerals. The lack of hem stripes is annoying and looks sloppy. Only having one uniform color (besides white) is too minimalist for a '90s team (though their original uniforms went too far the other way). The crest is okay, I'll give them that.

  5. I believe it's the former. From On the Forecheck:

    Subject to a few conditions, the NHL will take its league-wide Hockey Related Revenue figure (HRR) and multiply it by 0.06055 to determine the Redistribution Commitment for that season. Using the 2011-2012 HRR of $3.3 billion as an example, that would yield $200 million going into the revenue sharing plan.

    Under the new setup, there are three funding stages which fill up the revenue sharing pot. First, a maximum of 50% of the Redistribution Commitment is drawn from the Top 10 highest-grossing teams based on pre-season and regular season revenue. Each team's contribution is based on how much they earn over and above the 11th-ranked team, so the teams in the 8-10 spots don't pay in nearly as much as the top three, for example.

    So basically zero-sum pool. Congratulations, Maple Leafs and Canadiens! Guess which project you get to do around the house this and every weekend.

  6. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/sports/hockey/shoalts-new-coyotes-owner-bought-in-when-revenue-sharing-model-changed/article13130564/

    Gosbee and his partners scored another revenue boost when NHL commissioner Gary Bettman decreed the Coyotes would always receive a full share of the league’s revenue-sharing plan, which is as much as $20-million (all currency U.S.) a year. Every other NHL club has to meet revenue and ticket-sales targets or its share is docked.

    what the what

  7. The fundamental difference between Chicago/Rosemont and Phoenix/Glendale (besides the fact that Rosemont is run by organized crime, while Glendale is a form of disorganized crime), is that pretty much everyone in the tri-state area will identify with being from Chicago, whereas lots of people from big suburbs of Phoenix will utterly flip their crap if you use "from Phoenix" as a shorthand for "from Scottsdale" or "from Chandler" or "from creepy para-governmental Del Webb development" or whatever. To that end, it ends up being better to them to say "from Arizona," since most of the state's population is in the Phoenix metro anyway. Glendale, then, in their infinite wisdom, sees it as better to be from Not Phoenix than from Glendale.

    They really kinda should be the Glendale Coyotes. The difference between this and the Cubs situation is that this is the Coyotes and that's the Cubs.

    This reminds me of how LeBlanc said to the council as he was hitting them up for money, "look, I'm not buying the New York Yankees here." They'd better be your Yankees if you want them so badly. Jerk.

  8. Not sure who else is keeping tabs, but the city of Chicago is closing public schools left and right (but mostly south) while using TIFs to divert tax money into building a--you guessed it!--sports arena and surrounding shopping and entertainment district, which will host DePaul basketball in an area that is geographically incompatible with DePaul basketball because no one can get to the games if they even wanted to anyway which they don't. Government-financed arena-mall in an asinine location for a crappy sports team while cutting off essential city services. DOES THIS SOUND FAMILIAR.

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