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Status Updates posted by SplashBoogie

  1. Oh :censored: there's an ambulance and a squad car at my complex

  2. @danalhussey @Seahawks So protest but not in a way that makes you take notice? That pesky bill of rights gotcha twisted up eh Dana?

  3. @knightsonice Keeping our paws crossed for a five goal third for the Knights https://t.co/MegfbqyExm

  4. I really should've known everyone was going to be on Team Charizard. https://t.co/YkglZGEo6V

  5. RT @crashwong: them: so what's the plot of your story me: https://t.co/uxMv9hrZEX

  6. If the Dems make Sanders's Medicare bill their center policy in 2018 and 2020, they'll be crushed.

  7. Today has sucked. Maybe the night will make it better.

  8. "Wraith awaiting launch orders."

  9. We're not distracted. Your Russian chickens are coming home to roost. https://t.co/t87p2nDGyT

  10. RT @JayCoyle: The Playlist doesn't hold back on Polanski in its 2017 preview. https://t.co/VF0nb8mOgX

  11. Can't go to intelligence briefings but can pitch a fit over being made fun of on SNL. Dude :censored: Donald Trump.

  12. RT @AlexGelhar: "You miss 100% of the checkdowns you don't take." - Sam Bradford, probably

  13. @jellybeansniper Yall got more people though so that doesn't surprise me.

  14. Man the Cleveland @Browns are in serious danger of going winless

  15. RT @cafedotcom: We can’t let any more Black Friday shoppers into this country until we figure out what’s going on. https://t.co/VuL8qyYqWQ

  16. RT @sportslogosnet: https://t.co/QkJuyFCDZk

  17. RT @GunwildPrime: #SurvivalGuideToThanksgiving: At dinner, find the biggest, toughest-looking family member. Knock them out, to establish d…

  18. HE'S MY PARTNER NOW #teamrowlet https://t.co/pjdZ96mWZ7

  19. RT @kashanacauley: Woman Who Voted For Flesh-Eating Virus Hopes It Decides Not To Eat Any Flesh https://t.co/TykJfR3duj

  20. Canadians trying to convince fleeing Americans that Canada isn't a utopia. Nice try. It's going crazy down here.

  21. @PsycoJoeInc why doncha take your BAR and shove it up your ASS I'M WATCHING TIVO

  22. RT @MarlowNYC: President-Elect Donald Trump, last 24 hours: https://t.co/hlxlWvRNuP

  23. :censored: yes Virginia!

  24. The Minnesota Vikings are dropping like a rock. Cowboys-Patriots here we come.

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