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Status Updates posted by Noolish

  1. This white girl's awkward dancing and lip synching is distracting me from studying. #gatorproblems

  2. "She works in customer service. I bet you think strippers like you."

  3. If Dunkin Donuts made me fat, I'd just accept being fat and continue to eat there.

  4. If I could text people in the shower without damaging my iPhone, I would. Looks like I'm just not going to shower. #firstworldpain

  5. I've got a weakness for SPF70 blondes. #noolproblems #whitegirls

  6. Full time roommate, part time babysitter. #noolproblems

  7. Really boring classes that run over time. <<<<<<<<<<<<

  8. What's the difference between peanut butter and jam? #himym

  9. Why would more guns would lead to less crime? There's 300 million guns already in America. Should we be duel wielding pistols?

  10. At least it wasn't AJ McCarron's girlfriend who was a hoax, AM I RIGHT?!? #teo #notredame #hoax

  11. Can't wait to listen to my new playlist tomorrow. #hipsterproblems

  12. Could use some more mystery in my life. Like "What happened last night?" and "How old are these leftovers?" #noolproblems

  13. I'm gettin' too old for this stuff. #mambatweets

  14. Peyton Manning's forehead scares me more than Ray Lewis' new face mask. #Broncos #ravens #BALvsDEN http://t.co/cRffkilF

  15. Must see @jeffdub RT@SBNationGIF: Brandon Paul getting some sick air on this dunk. http://t.co/hgB9RyCq

  16. Welcome back to the NBA, Sonics! #seattle #sorrysacramento

  17. RIP RGIII's knee. It was a good run.

  18. Man behind ‘Deport Piers Morgan’ petition has meltdown on Morgan’s show | The Lookout - Yahoo! News http://t.co/yVgN3SC0 via @YahooNews

  19. I hate Alabama but the feature on Barrett Jones is great. Center, violinist, 4.0 GPA, and Scrabble enthusiast. Plus his mom is hot. #BCS

  20. All of the news about RGIII's knee injury is depressing.

  21. Literally 3 kids screaming at once. I hate traveling. #firstworldpain

  22. Worst thing about flying into Orlando: a dozen screaming kids on every flight.

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