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Everything posted by redsox1974

  1. @GregAbbott_TX @NRA Idiot. https://t.co/fYRHv3hVrW

  2. @seanhannity No You should be fired for being @realDonaldTrump's little Puppet.

  3. @seanhannity Keep telling yourself that, Trump's little puppet. #TraitorDon

  4. RT @JOE_co_uk: We've cracked the Melania Trump conspiracy... https://t.co/x3o3u3eMcl

  5. @Trump4Catholics Looks like your boy endorsed a book by a pastor who thinks the catholic church was founded by Satan.

  6. @_TJLD @Newsweek And Trump is the crazy racist uncle.

  7. @TheRinconkid @FOXSports @NFLonFOX So if you condemn the NFL for being disrespectful then do the same to Trump.

  8. @Hoosiers1986 @POTUS @RealRoseTaylor @JrcheneyJohn @Voices4Humanity @RightWingAngel @jojoh888 @crusher614… https://t.co/JPROrg64DF

  9. @realDonaldTrump Your Resignation. Traitor

  10. RT @ProFootballTalk: https://t.co/JpF71iqdp2

  11. @Dan_E_24 @SI_Eats I meant Let em go bankrupt. Freaking auto correct

  12. @realDonaldTrump This is the flag you pledge allegiance to. #NFL https://t.co/XeWBQc9KCa

  13. @SenCoryGardner Oh screw you and that treasonous SOB in the whitehouse #traitordon

  14. @InsidetheNCAA You all can still burn in hell. #NCAA #Worthless

  15. RT @Thomasismyuncle: Basically, ppl say they'd love a smaller Govt in the abstract but when you tell them what they'd have to sacrifice, th…

  16. @_Makada_ Go Home you're drunk.

  17. @VivaLaAmes Who Asked You?!

  18. @NateSilver538 Nate, Just stop. Many of us are in no mood for "I told you so"

  19. Sorry, but I can't and won't leave Twitter... So, I'm Back.

  20. Farewell Twitter, See You in 2020. #goodbyetwitter

  21. RT @NateSilver538: When you go low, I go high 80% of the time, and knee you in the balls the other 20% of the time.

  22. @DineshDSouza Decency is a foreign concept to you.

  23. This series is over. #WorldSeries

  24. @BritishGQ @Apple How much did Apple Pay you for this article?

  25. @Wikimedia When I click "Inspect Element I get an alert that says "Failed to load resource: net::ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT".

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