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Everything posted by RULLUR

  1. RT @matthewhollie: #FF @WrestlngRealist @NextBigThingSiD @JasonPatrickWE @Shane184 @FearlessRiOT @TheKrupy @RULLUR @remotetragic @thunderro…

  2. So I have my phone service back as it should..but only because @virginmobileusa gave me a Free #LGTribute2

  3. #RAW: "Nia Jax" is back Trending Worldwide in 9th. Looks like many of you are excited about this Powerhouse in the Women's Division!

  4. So I been without @virginmobileusa Service I Payed for since the 18th..but after Calling 911 it decides to work again?! REFUND ME!

  5. I beat #SaintsRow4 a while back..but wanted to show how I look in the Game though. #SR4 #RULLUR… https://t.co/fwAoB78FNf

  6. Watching #GhostHeads on @Netflix with @HaydeeRodriguez. Just seen @ZackRyder is a Huge #Ghostbusters Fan on this. #WWYKI

  7. #RAW: Some may say Balor as Champ will be too soon even though he was a Great Champ in #NXT..but do you REALLY want Roman as Champ again?

  8. #GrowingUpWithMyName: Every 1 syllable word that got shouted out always made me think someone was calling my Name..so I'd always go check

  9. People are trending #MichaelJacksonComeBackPlz ..but they should know he isn't. Just like Tupac, Biggie, Kurt Cobain, & others conspired of

  10. What Law of Physics makes it possible for anyone to go Slowly Walking Down the Hall..Faster than a Cannonball? #ILoveThatSong

  11. Just In Case You Missed It..someone has FINALLY found @vanillaice's "The Wrath" Music Video and Uploaded it here at: https://t.co/ycliB4vtsc

  12. #MetalGearSolidVThePhantomPain: So after 3 Days of thinking I was unable to Fulton Extract the Truck away from 2 Tanks & Skulls..I was wrong

  13. #GiveTwitterATrendWorthTweeting other than #GiveCaptainAmericaABoyfriend. How About #GiveHollywoodAFootInTheAss?

  14. #OneLetterOffFoods: @midnight Gripefruit

  15. #LesserKnownHolidays: @midnight Supernatural Flamengo River Racing Empire Month!

  16. #Random: "Do You Have a :censored:in' Problem?" No Sir..I Don't Need That Viagra :censored:!

  17. #RAW: Jericho almost knocked the :censored: out of Ambrose..but as you see he's kinda constipated as he clinches in pain Ha!Ha!Ha!

  18. #MakeTVShowsEvil: @midnight Your Pretty Face is Going to Hell in a Handbasket

  19. #BeforeYouTube: @midnight There was AOL..whether you liked it or not with their CDs in the Mail & etc

  20. I have to admit it that @HaydeeRodriguez aka @MzRULLUR is THE BEST at #BlanketSwimming Ha!Ha!Ha!

  21. #AddSportsRuinASong: @midnight Sister Machine Gun - Hole in the Ground Ball

  22. #RIPBallsMahoney

  23. #BetterCallSaul: Tonight's Show should've been titled "Better Call 911, because Chuck is out Cold"

  24. #TalkingDead: What's a Hozier? Is't he the one doing that song about Church while sounding like Elton John? Ha!Ha!Ha!

  25. #LuchaUnderground: It's BatRey!

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