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Status Updates posted by thejblee

  1. Fish are friends, not food

  2. Could our play calling be any more predictable today?

  3. This officiating is a joke

  4. Did that grocery store in walking dead have any beers besides terrapin and sweetwater?

  5. A little silver lining for the worst sports week of my life. Always great to beat Michigan. We are. Penn Sate

  6. The Atlanta Dream are the Buffalo Bills of the WNBA

  7. Why can't Homeland Flynnize Dana's character and make her appearances solely dedicated to eating breakfast

  8. RT @funky_mitch: The only way I'll be satisfied with the #BreakingBad finale is if Walt Jr. gets a DUI #BetterCallSaul

  9. I'm gay sometimes.

  10. Anyone else remember when Bryan Cranston was in this masterpiece? http://t.co/9GybuEMGYl

  11. Season starts next week

  12. Second row behind the end zone. Lets go http://t.co/6wyYJXATSl

  13. You can tell rolling stone that my last words were "I dig music"

  14. And the legend of the rent was way hardcore

  15. If only there was a rap song that could explain how much I love college

  16. You play to win the game

  17. The historyporn subreddit might be the greatest thing ever

  18. Part of me likes the new season of Arrested Development, but another part thinks its equivalent to The Phantom Menace

  19. Facebook has become Buzzfeed

  20. It sucks to miss out on CL by one point. But great season nonetheless. Go Spurs

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