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Everything posted by SumanCommaJake

  1. HOW CAN ONE NOT SUPPORT THIS MAN RT Bernie Sanders: Free College For All http://t.co/xrOwtPHaiJ

  2. RT @KyleKulinski: My favorite criticisms:Guy: You believe (X - silly thing)!Me: No I don't.Guy: Yes you do!Me: I guess you know me bett…

  3. RT @theblaze: Los Angeles City Council votes to raise minimum wage to $15 an hour: http://t.co/CXMTO7RlqC

  4. Mad Max was inSAAAAAAAAAAAANE

  5. RT @KyleKulinski: No show today but catch me on @TheYoungTurks tomorrow live from NY!

  6. RT @XXL: .@JColeNC's #2014ForestHillsDrive won for Top Rap Album at tonight's #BBMAs

  7. Still have 17 Sundays until NFL kickoff ?

  8. RT @BuzzFeedUK: A Fox news channel blurred out the nipples on a Picasso masterpiecehttp://t.co/YTQloRJSq1 http://t.co/phBdb81qUU

  9. RT @BuzzFeed: Here is the cast of “American Crime Story” http://t.co/18FcofgHWQ http://t.co/vN1SkwFXXw

  10. RT @KyleKulinski: @FoxNews if you want I can help you increase your youtube numbers, step 1 is: Don't be useless, lying, comically stupid s…

  11. RT @jon_bois: everyone’s chanting “m-l-b regu-lar sea-son is be-ing played cur-rent-ly” at the rangers-caps game. no class. just let them h…

  12. RT @BuzzFeed: This is why toddlers should not have their own basketball team http://t.co/U39C2H5oSB http://t.co/9doqyJFmV0

  13. RT @SBNation: Aaron Rodgers won "Celebrity Jeorpardy!" and said a cuss word. It was a full night:http://t.co/c8InDy7AwWhttps://t.co/Yb08W…

  14. *wakes up from nap prior to typing this tweet* RT “@emmarae28: Once again I feel like there is not enough hours in the day!”

  15. RT @jploenneke: Why must one have to feel like they are "dying" for one to consider an exercise has been done effectively? This is an issue…

  16. Had a nightmare that I was in the ship of a fantasy league & half of my starting lineup wasnt playing because I forgot to update it

  17. RT @flamsmark: On the same day, France legalizes 1984 and the the USA realizes that its 1984 implementation might have been illegal this wh…


  19. RT @KyleKulinski: Rick Santorum announcing Presidential l̶o̶s̶s̶ run May 27th

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