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Posts posted by SuperLeafsFan

  1. The main issue here isn't the mods, but the fact that most people don't see the comments these people have written because its been deemed offensive by a mod.

    What exactly is the criteria behind a mod-edit worthy post?

    Seems to me that it differs from each mod.

    Just my 2 cents.

  2. Take the orange yellow out of that Padres set and you have the start of something workable.

    My unpopular opinion is stated in the above "FTFY".

    Actually I agree that the current bland garbage is better than the 1984 look. However...


    was great and I wish they'd stuck with the scheme.

    I agree 100%. Brown and Orange is what the padres should be wearing......... maybe bring back the sand too?

  3. Most Underated set of Stros unis:


    Yes folks, the firearm stripes. These would look so great as a alternate jersey for the team. I love everything about them. That being said, the 90's set is a close second with me. The set they have now is meh. Nothing over the top, but too simple.

  4. As good as the Boston Celtics uniforms look, I wouldn't mind it if they used gold as an accent color. Not only would it work with the Irish motif, but it would be a nice tribute to their championship legacy.

    Gold would be better than the black they use in their alts.

    No doubt. Heck, they have gold in their logo. Either use that shade or lighten it up a bit and use it.

    You guys are talking about this as if they've never worn these


    Reverse the colors and we gotta winner for what the Celtics could do if they ever change there uniforms.

  5. qohf.png

    The Lightning should have never changed these... Sure the logo is poorly designed but so are a lot of the so called "classic" logos in the NHL (NYI, Buffalo). The colours more than made up for it... same with the Stanley Cup triumph associated with it.

    Just take the Edge logo and slap it on these already............

  6. Already posted this but it applies here as well:


    The Angels 1971 set is fantastic in every way possible. Shame it was only worn for a year, considering it looks great even to this day. The little A just looks so sharp along with the jerseys. Would love to see this sweater make a comeback as a full-time alt.

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