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Everything posted by willpalmer16

  1. RT @collegefession: "I've made a lot of mistakes in my life but my biggest is taking an 8 am college course. #dontdoit" - Darton State Coll…

  2. RT @ByronTau: "The Second Amendment is under siege," Trump says, just moments after threatening First Amendment protections.

  3. RT @misslibertea: Those who are asking for more government interference are asking ultimately for more compulsion and less freedom. {Ludwig…

  4. @CLV_Golf Hey! I was wondering if you could review the Golf Club of Houston (Tour)? I'm not sure if its been requested. Thanks!

  5. RT @MarxistsSuck: Yes, let's talk about it. Where can I find the "clean water" or health care" clauses of the Constitution? https://t.co/N…

  6. RT @charliekirk11: Obama says people are being too partisan then he skips Scalia's funeral and makes a special visit to Cuba. Unbelievable.

  7. How unhinged can he be?! America, WAKE UP!! https://t.co/k9hQHBbBUt

  8. @KylerNielsen @OrtizKicks the best way is to just let it play out on the field!

  9. RT @BenHowe: You Can Get Off Your High Horses About SCOTUS Appointment Democrats, You're On Tape | RedState https://t.co/sMBtckWhpJ

  10. RT @ndgc12dx: An empty SCOTUS seat has never been filled in a lame duck year, starting all the way back to John Q Adams. https://t.co/56GxT…

  11. RT @BoSnerdley: I do not believe that abandoning our ambassadors under attack make you presidential material in 2016.

  12. RT @weknowwhatsbest: ISIS now has chemical weapons, which is serious enough to become our biggest problem behind climate change, Oscar raci…

  13. RT @BenjiBacker: 1: Rubio didn't get top 2 tonight. So what? Just one state. He still has momentum. He had one slip-up in a debate. Get ove…

  14. I mean, if your form of fun during the Super Bowl is calling sexism at every corner...whatever floats your boat. https://t.co/SwvtHcryZN

  15. RT @peacelovedixie: Someone please explain to me what would be the point of scholarships if college is "free." Or is that the point: to era…

  16. @anongirl949 uh-non but that may be the A-non option!

  17. @RedHotPolitics I mean they aren't the nose educated bunch of folks to begin with

  18. RT @TheBrandonMorse: .@RandPaul suspends his campaign, but this jackass is still in the race. Life really isn't fair. https://t.co/b9yP566…

  19. @simplybyalexa Seems to be a liberal thing being Bernie has a knack for that too.

  20. @simplybyalexa We shall find out after we know who wins Iowa!

  21. @BenjiBacker that -34 for Cruz and Rubio are tad surprising. Would expect - numbers but not that low

  22. God bless him. That's taking initiative right there. https://t.co/q3xKX8nK7d

  23. Was great to catch up with @SteveSparks37 and meet @raford3 the other day. Guys do a great job for Astros radio! https://t.co/2QZ4md2sp2

  24. @raford3 have a safe flight! Was nice to meet you the other day!

  25. RT @HaugenROC: No other candidate can match the number of FBI investigations under her belt, either. https://t.co/4RFtxsNBQu

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