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Status Updates posted by JESSEDIEBOLT

  1. .@zaynmalik new album fire

  2. "creative" but you just follow the trends :"(

  3. "probably a rush job...done in a year instead of two"....I could do better in a week. https://t.co/jzWrIfwyUJ

  4. "Steph Curry" (@StephenCurry30) - Jesse Diebolt (2015) http://t.co/rig4EBVKZ8 http://t.co/zh9PcSS8YZ

  5. @2KSupport #1511967 hours later, after trying everything your site suggests, the problem is still unresolved. #YouOweMeMVPPacks

  6. @ba_ahdae when does it not tbh??

  7. @Brandiose @IronPigs you guys are somethin' else.

  8. @EmilyeOberg how u know tupac bruh

  9. @FameLustMario thank you so much for the support.

  10. @NBA2K diamond 101 ovr. KAT incoming?

  11. @PortalEight of course. I want to see his brand pushed more by UA like Nike did with Kobe this week, for example.

  12. @shoujoshawty myself

  13. ****** DRAFT DAY *******

  14. *cries Pantone tears of happiness*

  15. *ironically makes visual PSA telling kids to get off their phones by spending a couple hours on a computer*

  16. *sings carly rae jepsen "i really like you" to gradient tumblr"

  17. °₊·ˈ∗ ∗ˈ‧ °☆ˈ∗ˈ‧₊°

  18. ~ https://t.co/KtwibiP1Ot ~

  19. ☆(❁‿❁)☆

  20. 100% disagree with the Kim look. I want more of that. RT @ELLEmagazine: The 5 trends that need to die in 2015: http://t.co/nePyJN1jOt

  21. 3333333333333333 https://t.co/0kUgcAOVpA

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