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Status Updates posted by nielsoncp

  1. RT @davidfrum: This funny clip from Bloomberg confirms that CPAC leadership is indeed readying itself to submit to Donald Trump https://t.c…

  2. RT @davidmwessel: Katz/Krueger: In 2005, 10% of US workers indpt contractors, temps, etc. In 2015, nearly16% https://t.co/rIJ1kGn7QU https…

  3. RT @drmoore: "Caesar is lord." - words that Jesus took from our vocabulary a long time ago.

  4. RT @jbarro: Trump tricked him. Said he'd bundle one copy of the book with every box of Trump Steaks he sells. https://t.co/mHJpiG5Stu

  5. RT @jbouie: If you follow my Twitter feed you know that I am 100% with @ezraklein on this. Trump is not funny. He is dangerous. https://t.c…

  6. RT @jbouie: There is no subtext anymore. Only text. https://t.co/X27LWfAvKG

  7. RT @JimRose69872629: Creative destruction in dating markets https://t.co/sLMuXJZlHN https://t.co/20NBBrYaUq

  8. RT @JP_Breen: MODERATOR: How can we deal w/ causes of extremism? CANDIDATE: Thats complicated and will take decades. MODERATOR: Get the fuc…

  9. RT @ks44: "I want to know if my hair is just like yours" An unforgettable #ObamaAndKids moment: https://t.co/fPkYIlMY6g https://t.co/gJMUWT…

  10. RT @LarryBundyJr: Mind blown Cat!!! The humans are replicating us! https://t.co/TbD1oj5AhF


  12. RT @LukeEpplin: Bill Veeck in 1948 railing against colleges that make money off sports without paying its athletes. https://t.co/Cr5WsNpu2s

  13. RT @mammothfactory: PEASANT: Feudalism is bad ME: But how can you say feudalism is bad when you're wearing rags MADE UNDER FEUDALISM PEASAN…

  14. RT @markknoller: WH calls the opioid/heroin problem an epidemic. Says more die in a year from overdoses than in motor vehicle crashes. 28,6…

  15. RT @MattHeimiller: I wrote about why Hail, Caesar!'s final monologue works for Christians better than Risen ever could: https://t.co/tuLsbW…

  16. RT @mskathykhang: Is this the Christian version of #OscarsSoWhite ? @CSCleve @LeroyBarber @ntoyamaszeto @pastormykmac @audvelez https://t.…

  17. RT @NumbersMuncher: Virginia down the final stretch up 14. #MarchMadness https://t.co/hvm1qfC5te

  18. RT @PoliticoKevin: BREAKING: The RNC has decided that the Minnesota caucuses are worth 5,712,743,234 delegates.

  19. RT @PounderFile: 1) Not true, you are loaning your campaign money because 2) you are planning to fundraise to pay yourself back. https://t.…

  20. RT @pourmecoffee: Candidate making traditional final cases https://t.co/F52mqvgMZF

  21. RT @reedfrich: As both a veteran & the son of a veteran with PTSD, I cannot endorse what @CombatCavScout says here more highly. https://t.c…

  22. RT @ShaneClaiborne: Most frequently asked question here in the UK: "How is it possible that so many US Christians support Donald Trump?" Th…

  23. RT @SohrabAhmari: Up to a million estimated Iranian converts[!]. Thanks to the Web, the regime has no way of censoring the Gospel. https://…

  24. RT @sorkinese: Nobody ever looks like Joe McCarthy. That's how they get in the door in the first place.

  25. RT @stephenmatlock: @tanehisicoates Who benefitted? The nation. Who pays? The nation. Should justice be done because it's right, or be damn…

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