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Everything posted by Sneedham42

  1. @wyshynski They are all so bad.....Foley really trying to fit a square peg....

  2. @ArashMadani and cigarettes and alcohol and rugby and hockey. .

  3. @DTonSC Think it was definitely the play.

  4. Yeah the PI call sucked, but two chances to get 1 yard and you blow it?? #pittvsclem

  5. @awfulannouncing the problem is its Thursday and the human body cant handle it

  6. @TheAlMcLean yeah, and he :censored:ed my streak up!!

  7. Still a great year #BreedersCup #californiachrome

  8. @SonOfTheBronx Baseball is dying?

  9. @walsha Insecure hockey fan is such a funny meme.

  10. RT @WWE_Relatables: When you see Christmas decorations before Halloween https://t.co/GBhWU91gD1

  11. RT @jimrome: Greatest clip ever. Dude going double guns, with venom, in the 1st quarter of the 1st game. And Westbrook’s reaction https://t…

  12. @KurtLarSUN Just makes me think moreso MLS invites too many teams to the playoffs.

  13. @JimMWeber CBA that pushes out skilled veterans for cheap rookie meat makes the product so bad.

  14. @IDS_BroncoBeat #BSUtakes Western Michigan might be the better G5 team?

  15. @CFL_News any refunds if you bought at higher price?

  16. @wyshynski WC was worth about 150,000 annualized to each owner. That jusr seems small potatoes,,,,,

  17. @TroyWestwood dont think even Cleveland uses this anymore

  18. @CFL_News @Macsymum was their opinion that it was when timing of the whistle went? Or that Harris' progress was stopped/wrapped up?

  19. @SportsTVRatings Funny cause @Sportsnet got its media to rip the CFL for doing this. @CFL_News

  20. @MichaelHonein @DamoSpin @SNJeffBlair They are the only 2 people to block me on here too......grow a backbone you guys.

  21. @Lahlahlindsey Great piece, watched some of their games online and there were definitely bright spots of talent there.

  22. @b_jared204 yeah, at this point I just dont care if we beat a madeup team. To me we already won

  23. @brent_bellamy @umanitoba UM downtown campus would be cool, always hated UM's location as a student.

  24. @SportsTVRatings Why did ESPN even bother with this tourney? Feels like it was a dud for them.

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