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Status Updates posted by DouglasRowan

  1. Are we past the point of LOL Johnny Football to Johnny Manziel might hurt/kill himself/others yet? Because we gotta be getting close.

  2. @adamrubinespn Mets would rather let him go on waivers than pick up a “organization depth” I take it?

  3. @chazhall80 @mcten Riley drafted Napier basically hoping it would entice LeBron to stay in Miami, not because LeBron said to do it.

  4. But I would take a guy like Ryan Webb too, please no Tommy Hunter though.

  5. The Planned Parenthood liars were indicted in Texas of all places? High comedy.

  6. @TheEricLittle brutal. I'm the last house on a dead end so we get the monster pile the plows push to the end of the street.

  7. I'm glad the last image of Cespedes in a Mets uniform won't be him getting hurt in the World Series. Would have been depressing.

  8. @ConManBO Goodnight Wilpon shill.

  9. Sarah Palin said Bergdahl was a traitor but her son is just misunderstood because of lack of respect from the President and PTSD.

  10. Cool no hitter Max Scherzer. Enjoy your offseason.

  11. Wonder if Texas would just let Charlie Strong leave for Miami at this point.

  12. Bryce Harper is going to be really happy knowing he doesn't have to hit Mets pitching again until April.

  13. It's really astonishing how terrible at running for President Jeb Bush is.

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