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  1. yet the clown has more sources than you will ever have. it must kill you and every one else that called me a liar and a fraud everytime a new leak appears. unfortunate.
  2. so i'm proven right yet instead of a "well done" or a "thanks for sharing" i get this. you are simply pathetic.
  3. hey @pepis21 how's this list looking?
  4. it wasn't a "rumour" it's a fact. i provided every teams city set in early june and i was mocked and criticised, called a liar and many nasty things. slowly but surely more leaks are coming out and proving everything that i said was true. all those who mocked and laughed at me can kick rocks and eat humble pie.
  5. thank you, i appreciate that.
  6. i am not a "garment worker" so don't address me as one.
  7. can someone please tell that perrin dude that he is on my ignore list. i feel like it will save him a lot of time and energy.
  8. ""Empanadas trying to run it back on a message board we told him about is comical. What a clown." "Might need to troll him again and see if I can get him banned off that board too. lol" "I’ve started lol." Unlike you, i have sources and I posted every teams city set so feel free to discuss that.
  9. how pathetic must someone be to want to get someone banned for having accurate infomation and sharing it. what a sad, sad pathetic human. comical.
  10. first off, i don't need to prove anything. "be so kindly and answer, so we could check later if you was right or not" i have a detailed description of every teams city set. look at that to see if "i was right or not" lastly if you read properly what i said "it will feature this word mark in a beautiful lighter blue. "clips" will be in navy (or black)" the wordmark "clips" is navy or black. hard to tell from the image i saw. regardless i have given a detailed description of every city set. i didn’t have to, yet i did. all will be revealed in a few months but boy would it be nice to get a "thanks for sharing this info" i guess that is too much to ask for.
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