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Washington Red Tails


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Simple uniform proposal: keep uniforms exactly as they are but swap out this logo for the one currently on the helmet and remove the team name from the chest. The brighter red will only be part of the team identity as a feather color. This is consistent with team history where a. the brownish color of the Native American's skin-tone only appears on the team's primary logo and nowhere else, and b. the 1959-1964 helmet was also maroon with a bright red on the feather. 


This is a simple edit in Paint so the angle, placement and size of the logo are slightly off. The feather is supposed to be from a red-tailed hawk. A more skilled and less hurried attempt at redesigning this logo would make the feather a bit rounder and wider, like the Red Tail's actual tail feather.



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I seriously doubt that they'll keep the feathers.


Too bad Redwings is taken.  How about Washington Redistributionists?  Or Washington Redwoods?  Oops, wrong Washington ;)

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