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*** 2005-2006 EXPANTION ***


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Dear Members of the CCSLC,

It is with great pleasure that I, as VP of the IBL, announce that the International Basketball League is now accepting applications for new ownership in the IBL.

Our league currently has nine (9) teams, and we are currently looking to bring that number back up to fourteen (14) teams. For undisclosed reasons, five owners have given folded their teams.

The IBL is run through Yahoo! Fantasy Basketball, and the web address for the IBL is: InternationalBL.tk and the site has team pages, standings as well as news stories and other misc. materials.

As a potential owner please consider the following: are you going to be 'active'? this means, will you maintain your team and 'play' the games each night/week? This is the biggest question. It's very easy to just post a logo, uniforms, and a court design, but being in this or any fantasy sports league, takes a lot more than just that. And can you particiapte in a LIVE draft on October 15, 2005? This is most important to actually giving yourself a chance to compete, so do you want to compete?

The IBL will be accepting potential applicants for the next ten (10) days; September 14, 2005 through September 24, 2005. On September 25th our existing owners will vote on potential owners.

For those of you who have been trying to get a team in one of the many leagues on this site, now is your chance, make the most of it. Again, there are five (5) franchises to be awarded, will you be one?

We currently have teams located in: New York, Newark, Cleveland, St. Louis, Topeka, Oklahoma City, Arizona, & Nova Scotia. So consider this when you decide where you want you team...interested in creating a rivalry??

To apply please provide the following:

Name & CCSLC ID:

Desired Location:

Team Name:


Fantasy Experience:

Primary Mark*:

Secondary Mark*:

Uniform Package*:

Court Design*:

Arena Name (seating cap)*:

*-Optional, but it shows how interested and ambitous you are :D

If you are reading this thread on the IBL forum, please post your application in this thread. If you are reading this on anyother forum, please look for this same thread in the International Basketball League forum and post your application there.

Best Regards,

Christopher J. Nesi

VP International Basketball League

Owner & President of Basketball Operations

New York Scrapers


FANTASY SPORTS: UBA (NBA): New York Scrapers | CL (MLB): St Pete Beach Clippers

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