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NBA GM contest...What would you do?


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Hi Hoops Fans,

My friend and I are organizing a fun contest called NBA GM Fixit . I would like to take this opportunity to invite NBA fans to participate.

Here's the deal: in the NBA GM Fixit challenge, you have 1,000 words as a "job interview" to become the GM of your team. In this pitch, you would describe your blueprint for the future, whether you see that future as Summer 2006 or beyond. Tell us who you would re-sign, who you would draft, what free agents you would go after, trades, hirings/firings, contingency plans, and the rest.

Scoring for the competition is based on 3 categories: CREATIVITY of your ideas; REALISM in terms of the likelihood of it happening; and TECHNICAL MERIT in terms of team balance, salary caps, etc.

The deadline for submissions is May 28, 2006 at Midnight PST. Starting June 5 we will unveil two teams per day and keep doing so over 15 weekdays concluding June 23. At the end of the contest we will pick one overall winner and award the top prize.

Think you know what your favorite team should do this off-season? Here is your chance to be the GM!

If you are interested email gmfixit@eastlink.ca. Space is limited so don't hesitate...email NOW to reserve your place. (Official rules will be provided at time of registration)

Thanks & good luck!

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