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Buffalo Bills Logo Concepts


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just a couple of sketches for now. check 'em out and tell me what you think.

(also if any one wants to edit or modify them i'd love to see what you do)


the first is meant to be royal blue with the stripe being white with a red outline

the second is meant to be predominately Red with some white accents (simmilar to the lions logo)

hope to add more soon!

peace - Brad

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as far as sketches go these are great. if they are ment to be "tight sketches" (something very close to final product) then theres some work to be done. the one on the right seems torn between styles. you're showing some detail in the illustration with the nose and eyes, but the rest really looks more like a silhouette. the one on the left isnt different enough to really CandC at this point. i can see you doing what the Lions did with their logo there.

for that stripe i would draw at least 5 more, all different and see which one looks best. try to show speed and think "flow"




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