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Brandon Marshall to Wear #0


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A WR wearing 10-19 is nothing new. I'm surprised no one has mentioned Eagle great Harold Carmichael. He wore 17 during the 70's and early 80's.


Good point, forgot about him. I don't remember thinking it odd at the time, either, it's just the way it was.

There was also Charlie Joiner...


They were both grandfathered in when the rules originally changed in the early 70's. Ahmad Rashad, Haven Moses, Cliff Branch and Fred Belitnikoff were, too. So were those defensive guys wearing 80's mentioned above. There were certainly others. It wasn't like the rules change in the 50's where players HAD to switch numbers (Otto Graham from 60 to 14, for example).

Also, Brad Van Pelt was allowed to wear No. 10 for the Giants even though he was a linebacker. Funny thing was, he was a rookie the first year AFTER the 70's rule change but I've heard he was listed as the team's 3rd-string quarterback his rookie year and that's how he was able to keep it.

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