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European Hockey Project


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I had this idea for awhile and I figured trying something different and having it outside of the US would be better to expand our views. I put together a list of the original 8 teams (4 team divisions/conferences) identities/animals I want to use. If anyone is interested in participating, you're more than welcome to join. If not I plan on taking this on myself. I still do not have a name for the league. As for locations I'm thinking Russia, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland etc. I wouldn't even mind throwing in Canada but I really want to try to expand the board to a more world wide environment. Below is the list of animals that I chose as topics - I tried to make a well rounded group of birds, sea creatures, land life etc. I realize alot of these animals are 'white' or 'light colored' or 'black' or 'dark colored' - please do your best if you decide to participate - i'm sure teams will look the same but it's the point - I want cold weather creatures as the vocus point of this league.

The names listed below are not team names, just names of the actual animal selected. For example - Emperor Penguins could be called "Emperors" or Snowy Owls just "Owls" or whatever.

Arctic Foxes

Arctic Hares

Arctic Terns

Emperor Penguins

Humpback Whales

Musk Oxen

Polar Bears

Snowy Owls

*Prolly divide it division 1 - 2

Foxes - Hares - small land life

Terns - Owls - air

Penguins - Whales - sea

Bears - Oxen - large land life


Bleeding Blue since 1986

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