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NHL Clean-Up: Origins to Present-Day


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While I am on summer vacation, I figured it would be an opportune time to work on this HUGE project. I will be attempting to recreate and clean-up every NHL uniform dating back to 1917-18 when the league was originated. I will be posting them one season at a time (if a team did not change the following season, then I will not post them until they do). Enjoy!

***Oh, and I am sadly a Microsoft Paint user, so please disregard the amateurish and sometimes blurry logos, numbers, etc., but hey, it is the thought that counts right?


League Formation---consists of: Montreal Canadiens, Montreal Wanderers (folded after six games), Ottawa Senators, and the Toronto Arenas





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interesting thread. Any plans for when it gets to be 30 teams :P.

They all look similar to what they were back then right now, but I'm looking forward to how you change them.

Also, any reason for the edge jerseys?

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At this point I wanted to keep the uniforms similar to reality because of the simplicity back then, but some uniforms I would like to change a lot more down the road.

The EDGE template was the only one I had saved to my computer so I used that, and it is one I have worked with before.

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