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Brian in Boston

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Posts posted by Brian in Boston

  1. While the Birmingham Bears' "ursine figure, racing his way to the endzone, ball in hand" is wonderfully executed, he reminds me of a certain prospector who already "'rushes' towards pay dirt, football in hand" on another AAFL helmet. 

    Further, that nod of the houndstooth fedora and the Bears nickname may prove irresistible to fans of a college football program in Tuscaloosa, but it is going to alienate an equally large swath of supporters who shout, "War Eagle!" on the Plains come Saturdays each Fall. I don't see any way that an astute pro sports franchise would willfully write-off so many potential customers before the team had even taken the field. 

    Besides, what's not to love about a terrific modern update of a classic alternative football identity?

    I have to go with...

    Forged in Flame, Steeled for Success: Birmingham Vulcans Football! 

    • Like 1
  2. I presume you're looking for schools where the identity split manifests itself in more than just the word "Lady" being slapped in front of the athletic programs' overall mascots.  

    Arkansas State - Boll Weevils and Cotton Blossoms
    Arkansas Tech - Wonder Boys and Golden Suns
    Cal Lutheran - Kingsmen and Regals

    Centenary - Gentlemen and Ladies

    Central Missouri - Mules and Jennies
    Claremont-Mudd-Scripps - Stags and Athenas

    Hawai'i - Rainbow Warriors and Rainbow Wahine
    Louisiana Tech - Bulldogs and Lady Techsters

    • Like 1
  3. 21 hours ago, WideRight said:

    Sharp eyed folks may notice that I slightly modified the "M" logo to lean to the left so that the waves and the M carry the same motion from left to right, instead of having the M moving from right to left as is the case in real life.  Most football images with a left-right orientation tend to emphasize a left to right "forward" motion instead of a right to left "backward" motion. 

    You actually need to keep both of the Showboats' "M" logos, one with the letter leaning to the left and the other to the right. Why? Depending upon the orientation of someone viewing the logos, either version can emphasize "forward" motion.

    In your modification of the Showboats' secondary mark, the smokestacks leaning to the left are supposed to impart the idea that the righthand side of the logo, where the wave lines originate, is the bow of the ship. The wave lines appear to be water flowing from right to left down the showboat's side as the bow cuts through the river's water. At least that's how it will appear with that mark applied to the right sleeve of the jerseys.  However, in order to achieve the same effect on the left sleeve of the jerseys, the 2023 orientation of the logo has to be used (with the smokestack's leaning to the right).

    The easiest way to member this is that if the secondary mark is ever going to be applied to the sides of a Showboat uniform (on the sleeves of the jerseys, on the hips of the pants, on the sides of the helmets) the smokestacks should be leaning back towards the player's back. 

    It may also help to think of a real world application of this phenomenon. Someone standing on the East bank of the Mississippi River in Memphis, watching a showboat move down the waterway from St. Louis towards New Orleans, would construe the vessel's "forward" motion as traveling from his right to his left. A person positioned on the West bank of the Mississippi River in West Memphis, watching the same showboat move down the waterway at the same time, would construe the vessel's "forward" motion as traveling from his left to his right.

    • Like 1
  4. I just had the strangest experience.

    I was scrolling through this thread when, suddenly, I found myself wondering what it would be like if a series of Wikipedia entries achieved sentience, took control of the mind of that kid from middle school who was always reminding the Social Studies teacher that she’d scheduled a quiz, and then discovered  the CCSLC Concepts Forum.


    I can’t imagine what triggered the episode. 😉



    • LOL 2
  5. 15 minutes ago, raz said:

    I wish the Condors used some form of that Snowbirds wing.

    I do love that Snowbirds helmet. Can you imagine adapting it to the palette of the Condors' identity package? Black wings, with orange below them, and pink on the helmet's crown. Sensational! Maybe even place the condor's head from the primary mark into the space between the wings just above the helmet bumper. Though that might be overkill, as the beauty of the helmet is the simplicity of the stylized wings.   

    • Like 3
  6. 19 minutes ago, WideRight said:

    Yeah, you are going to have to spell it out for me.  I don't follow wrestling, not since the Iron Sheik and Superfly Snooka.  

    That's Joe Ariola who wrestles under the ring name  Tony D'Angelo. His schtick is that he's made man in an organized crime enterprise: he wears the fedora, wrestles as part of The Family, etc.

    That being the case, I'm guessing that Blindsay is casting a vote for the California Dons.

  7. To my mind, this contest comes down to a choice between the Condors and the Rush.

    The California Condors' identity package combines a dynamite logo, a unique color scheme, and a name that pays homage to the State of California's iconic raptor.

    While I also find the rushing prospector logo to be outstanding, I feel another pro football team in Northern California with a name derived from the California Gold Rush cuts just a bit too close to the San Francisco 49ers' identity.

     I cast my vote for...       

    California Condors

  8. I'd like the Hogs identity a lot better if the porcine mascot in the logo was just a big, ol' domestic pig, as opposed to a wild razorback. To my mind that would tie-in better to Carl Sandburg's labeling of Chicago as "Hog Butcher for the World". Winds? I just can't help but laugh when I think of a team bearing that name. As for Sting... well, spiders don't sting, they bite. Their bites might cause a stinging sensation, but they themselves don't sting.   

    I have to go with the Chicago Blues. I love the simple - yet iconic -  primary mark, the stylish word mark, and the tremendously creative strings-and-frets helmet stripe (which I hope is repeated as the striping on the pants). Outstanding! Besides, the team's marketing slogan practically writes itself...

    "Chicago Blues Football: We're on a mission from God."

  9. WideRight has to make it official, but that certainly appears to be Chicago with 15 votes, San Antonio with 10. The expansion bid from the "City of the Big Shoulders" gained a 4 vote advantage with the 24th ballot cast, then extended that lead to 5 with the 25th selection made.

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