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Posts posted by chestnutz

  1. stajump.net

    not sure if it's been mentioned here before. great site. every jersey is $20. only gotten NFL and NBA ones. NFL is nearly perfect authentic style with tackle twill numbers, sometimes colors are off though. NBA ones are perfect, I would never buy any other jersey after getting the ones there. Large collection and they look and fit great in person.

    "NBA ones are perfect"

    Perfectly awful. I wouldn't spend $2 on this garbage, let alone $20.


    meh, the ones I have look great in person. No one outside of the boards would be able to tell any differences. Definitely worth it IMO to save the $80+ more you'd have to spend for a "real" one

  2. stajump.net

    not sure if it's been mentioned here before. great site. every jersey is $20. only gotten NFL and NBA ones. NFL is nearly perfect authentic style with tackle twill numbers, sometimes colors are off though. NBA ones are perfect, I would never buy any other jersey after getting the ones there. Large collection and they look and fit great in person.

  3. Alright got a question.

    Sometimes I want to put a pattern/texture on one of my jerseys or shorts, to differentiate what part is mesh, etc (I've noticed you, Bucco, do this sometimes). There HAS to be an easier way to do it than what I've been doing. I just make a dot (or stripe), copy paste move it, copy paste move it, again and again about 100 times, it's a pain in the ass. Is there a way to maybe (I'm assuming you'd have to do it this way) draw a shape, and make the dots/stripes a pattern and just have that shape fill with it? Here's some pics to show what I mean...



  4. Been wondering that same thing hooligan. I know you can use Offset Path and the stroke stays the same in proportion to the logo resizing (as opposed to just using a regular stroke), but I'd love to know the same thing.

  5. Stupid question, but on Illustrator CS1, for some reason I'm not able to resize/rotate an object. It just comes up with all the solid blue points, with no surrounding box to edit the size, etc. I realize I can use the free transform tool, but that'd be a pain. It showed the resize box always before, but just recently stopped. How can I fix it?

  6. Is there a way I can delete part of a logo/shape, or make it invisible, something like that.

    Say I wanted to put a logo on a uniform shoulder like so, is there a way I could delete the part that isn't on the jersey or do I have to manually delete the points?


    Another question

    How do I make two objects share the same stroke, or merge them together? Say I had 2 letters, an A and a B, on top of each other, and I wanted to make the stroke go all the way around the two shapes as if they were one.

  7. Hey just got illustrator 10, not the best one I know but it's still good. I want to know how to make solid gradient type of things with colors in wordmarks that can be seen on a lot of concepts here.

    Some examples (credit to AAO)...



    Is there some tool I can use to make it easier or do I have to use the pen tool and do each letter individually?

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