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Posts posted by The_Admiral

  1. Peak South Florida, for sure. Peak Rest Of Florida would involve guns, alligators, and someone wandering in off the street to sit on the dais and not having anyone notice until two hours in.

    Oh, also there was a part later on where one of the commissioners said that when Mrs. Lederberg brings brownies, the right thing to do is put a couple coins in the jar so she can pay for more brownie mix. This caused an audible din of disapproval among the other commissioners, for Mrs. Lederberg bakes her brownies from scratch. I wish we had been able to liveblog this bunch instead of wasting our time with those clods out in the desert.

    Panthers got their money, by the way.

  2. http://broward.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?publish_id=126&embed=1

    Broward County is having its meeting. They haven't gotten to the Panthers yet, so they're still going over ethics stuff. This is awesome. They're arguing about accepting free food at school board meetings and stuff. This is like Glendale: The Deli. "What do I do when Mrs. Lederberg offers me a brownie? Am I supposed to turn down food that people put in front of me? And then people start blogging about it!" oy gevalt!

    EDIT: "when I was sitting shiva for my husband, people left food at my doorstep. You went through it when your mother passed away. But now no one can take credit for it because of this." She's Jewish-mother-guilt-tripping the board of commissioners into letting them eat catered food at meetings!

    • Like 1
  3. PEBBLE BEACH, Calif. -- The NHL's coach and executive compensation policy will be eliminated Jan. 1, Commissioner Gary Bettman said Tuesday following the completion of the Board of Governors meeting.

    The policy was put into effect Jan. 1 of this year to offer draft pick compensation for coaches and executives who were under contract but left to work for another organization.

    Commissioner Bettman said the League will go back to the old policy, which does not require draft pick compensation for coaches and executives leaving the organization while under contract for a job with another organization.

    "Bill Daly, the deputy commissioner, gave a lengthy report of what there was, what the protocol that I put into effect roughly 10 years ago was to the reaction and change we made this year, and I decided to, as of Jan. 1, to go back to the old rule, which was there is no compensation," Commissioner Bettman said.

    "You either give permission to negotiate, and if the two parties actually make a deal the executive is free to go. But there is no compensation. If you don't want to give permission to somebody who is under contract, whether or not they're employed but they are still being paid and under contract, [that] is the club's decision. I asked if there was any discussion or comment before I announced that that was the decision I was going to make, and there was none. So overwhelmingly, I think people, having heard the presentation and seeing the experience over the past year, decided what we had that worked well for 10 years roughly was probably the best way to go."

    Go cry about it, Kenny Holland.

    I hope this means Columbus gets their draft pick back from Vancouver for hiring John Tortorella away from, I dunno, sitting on a couch in Bellingham muttering about Larry Brooks or whatever. They're suffering enough just by having him.

  4. Yeah, I'd be fine with a Suns/Coyotes/ASU triple play, but such an arrangement where they'd undoubtedly be the tertiary tenant is not going to get the Coyotes the ancillary event revenue they need to stay afloat, so it'd just be more treading water and hoping they'll one day challenge the Sharks for World's Largest Rec League or whatever it is they jerk off over out there.

  5. All this Growing The Game and the league is still dependent on the ridiculous largesse of a Canadian telecom that seems to operate on an elaborate system of tin cans and string. It's still only half as ridiculous as the Maple Leafs trying to block the Vancouver Canucks for territorial infringement.

    NHL: "yo Seattle, wanna go out this Friday?"

    Seattle: "I can't I might have plans :("

    Quebec City: "Hey NHL I'll go out with you"

    NHL: "I'm just gonna stay home"

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  6. I know that talking in the NHL is a real damned-if-you-do-damned-if-you-don't proposition, but I appreciate that Getzlaf and Kesler will both volunteer their thoughts on things, because their thoughts usually end up making me laugh. It's because of Ryan Kesler that we now know Duncan Keith is not human. Now we have that the NHL's toughest barn to play in is the one with 8,000 people sitting politely.

  7. I am pretty sure he was posting his personal opinions on the CBJ logo with the understanding that it's an unpopular opinion (this is the "unpopular opinions" thread.). You really don't need to argue with him about what you think looks better. He already is under the assumption that most people don't agree with him.

    Whoa, didn't realize this was a Safe Space. I don't think we hit 283 pages by just having people scream into the void unchallenged.

    • Like 1
  8. The primary now is rather busy, but at least it incorporates the Ohio state flag and says "Ohio team from a city that starts with a C," which, granted, could be one of three, but at least it all comes together, however busily. There's no gestalt to the original primary. It's just a star, a hockey stick, and a ribbon that twists around in ways a ribbon isn't known to twist around so as to sorta write CBJ (or CJB in monogrammed-dress-shirt form), all with keylines and drop-shadows that don't suggest anything. What is all that, really, I guess is the question.

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