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Posts posted by The_Admiral

  1. they used to play an hour north in Miami Gardens, technically a different city and even a different county.

    No, Dolphin Stadium is within Miami-Dade County, and it was considered unincorporated Miami-Dade County until a few years ago when "Miami Gardens" was incorporated. I don't think anyone gave any of this a second thought when the Dolphins played there.

  2. What's alarming is that it doesn't seem to be a one-off. He's also made sure to give himself access to more kids.

    So anyway

    CARY, N.C. (WNCN) – Former Carolina Hurricane defenseman Aaron Ward was arrested Friday in Cary and charged with assault on a female, authorities said.

    Ward was also charged with interfering with emergency communication.

    Ward was traded to the Canes in 2009 from Boston.

    He was later waived by Carolina before being traded to Anaheim in March 2010.

    Ward now is an analyst on TSN Hockey.


  3. Team Burn-The-Witch has finally crossed the threshold from righteous anger to stupid internet outrage:


    What if you are a female member of the Ice Crew, being expected to pose for photos with fans in bars and stadium hallways? Are you confident that if one of the drunk men putting his arm around your shoulders feels entitled to more, that your employer will stand up for your rights? Or are you now concerned that your safety and bodily autonomy are merely ‘distractions’ from the meaningful business of hockey?

    this is a reach

    What if you’re an employee at the United Center, working in deserted hallways after a game? How do you feel now, knowing that the men walking the hallways can expect no meaningful repercussions to come from an accusation of assault or misconduct? What if you need that job, regardless of whether or not you feel unsafe performing it?

    this is a reach

    Finally, what are you thinking if you’re one of the people who believes in the innocence of Patrick Kane? Are you conscious of the fact that you cheer alongside people who believe he is guilty, but don’t care? How about the fact that some of these people believe he is guilty, and view his continued presence as validation that their own poor treatment of women is both justified and normal? You may rationalize your continued support of Kane under the banner of “innocent until proven guilty,” but you stand in solidarity with those whose figurative banners say far different things. Terrible things like, “She probably deserved it,” or, “He only did what any man would do.” You may not agree with these people, but your tickets beep the same way at the door.

    If I had to not like or think things because of what people who are stupider or more evil than I am like or think, I'd never make it out of bed in the morning.

    I thought Kane was guilty. I really did. Like most people who have a heart, I figured that between the statistically nonexistent incidence of false accusation and the extent to which she sought medical and legal attention, there was no way the accuser could have been lying, that Kane was going to prison and it was only a matter of time, and that I wasn't sure how I'd continue to be a fan. With the way things have gone since then, it looks more as if while Kane may be a sleazy drunk who couldn't make a good life decision if he tried, it's simply not very likely that he raped this girl. I still feel apprehensive about things, but I'm not packing things in boxes and disavowing the Blackhawks forever. But while I've had to adjust my position, it seems like that crowd has doubled down on theirs instead. I bet somewhere out there are people who are hoping a girl did get raped so that Patrick Kane can be charged, convicted, and sentenced as they're proven right in the end. Do I want to stand with those people and their figurative banners? The whole thing feels desperate and embarrassing.

    I think at this point we can reasonably surmise that while the Blackhawks organization is not powerful enough to alter the course of justice, pace the efforts of the accuser's mom to make us think otherwise, they are powerful enough to get an idea of what's going on before the gen-pop twitter hordes do, and that they acted with an idea of the way things would go. For instance, had there not been potentially exonerating evidence, perhaps the team would have suspended Kane after all. I think it's too much of a leap to say "well, they just guessed right" and continue railing against the team. They didn't guess right. I guessed wrong.

    All that being said, the rest of the hockey world does need to step up and make it known that the young men who excel at the game aren't invincible because they can play hockey. I don't think that requires the Blackhawks to punish someone who may not have committed a crime; the message will have to be sent without a head on a pike for now, but it does have to be sent. I just know this crowd loves heads on pikes.

    If people have dug themselves so far in on this that they can't support hockey anymore, then I guess they have no choice but to go. I hope for them that their second sport, talking crap about disaffected white dorks on reddit, will be just as exciting as the NHL was.

    • Like 4
  4. I really don't see how either "Miami Marlins" or "Florida Marlins" is inherently better then the other. I think the preference for "Florida Marlins" comes from the fact that they were that for so long that it seems like the "right" choice to most of us.

    Right, exactly. If the two states of the southern Mid-Atlantic were North Snorg and South Snorg, I would still get crap for saying that the NFL team should be the Charlotte Panthers, I mean we have the Charlotte Hornets and that sounds good, so Charlotte Panthers sounds fine too. But people would say that they're the Snorg Panthers, that's just what they are, and besides, you need to make sure people in South Snorg don't feel left out.

  5. "Miami Marlins" is much better: it's alliterative, more specific, and ties in with the historical minor-league team.

    All state names other than Minnesota are awful. Multi-state names (New England, Carolina) are even more awful. No, Kraft Productions, you're not from six different states at once.

    EDIT: will wait for WSU151 to tell me that they are from six different states at once

    • Like 2
  6. I like the Ravens uni's.

    I do as well, so long as they stay away from the black pants. When it's black-purple-white or black-white-white? One of my favorite looks in the league. I love the logos as well.

    I like the Ravens in black helmets, jerseys, pants, and socks. I'd like them more if they didn't have such crappy logos and numerals.

  7. EDIT2: he's like "come on, we brought the banners over and everything!" Yes, congratulations on storing the belongings of your tenant, I'm so proud of you.

    It turns out Yormark actually didn't bring the banners over! Only the championship banners and retired numbers were brought over from the Nassau Coliseum; the ones for divisional and conference championships are either still just hanging there or in a storage unit out in East Massapequa. Presumably this is because the Islanders have won a lot while Nets B Brooklyn have won very little and they don't want to be even more shown up. What a tragedy that we finally de-Yormark the Florida Panthers, they subsequently become slightly tolerable, and now this happens to a team that's actually cool.
  8. Sounds like no expansion to Quebec City, just Las Vegas. Figures with this league.


    Since there are already 16 teams in the Eastern Conference and 14 in the Western Conference, Jacobs did say he would rather see a team in the West.

    While Jacobs admitted Quebec has the history and a beautiful new arena with a strong fan base, he believes Las Vegas would be more viable.

    "Take a look at what’s gone up in Nevada -- it’s scary. I mean, it really is. It’s a heck of an arena built there, and there’s a strong interest there," Jacobs said. "Balance the fact, Quebec has a great hockey interest, [but] it’s an extraordinarily small market."

    When a comment was made that the league wouldn’t want to expand into Quebec because the franchise could then possibly fail, Jacobs said: "No, we don’t want to do it again."



    Yormark's interview on ESPN 98.7 mae me want to rip his throat out through the live stream. He continues to show he doesn't understand how to deal with the existing Islanders fan base. Just because he was able to market the Nets the way he did does not mean he could do so with the Islanders.

    Listening to this now. The Yormarks are thoroughly repellent people.

    EDIT2: he's like "come on, we brought the banners over and everything!" Yes, congratulations on storing the belongings of your tenant, I'm so proud of you.

  9. If things get worse, they can always cancel it, but with the needle pointing in the other direction more than any sane person ever could have envisioned, it's better to go forth with business as usual.

    Here's something interesting. Mismanagement of funds: it's not just for NHL owners anymore!

    A complaint filed July 6 with the Internal Revenue Service “asks that the IRS investigate Desert Hockey Development to determine if the IRS agrees that the organization has engaged in prohibited political activities or excessive lobbying while using deceptive and improper fundraising practices for the primary purpose of private benefit of the organization’s principal officer, George Fallar.”

    . . .

    “The loans and the political activities they funded had no public charity benefit and were in no way related to the exempt organization’s state purpose of providing youth development programs,” says the complaint.

    “A section 501©(3) organization may not make a contribution to a political organization,” according to the IRS on its website, “such as a candidate committee, political party committee or political action committee.”

    lol @ George Fallar

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