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Posts posted by The_Admiral

  1. "We want people who are there to be paying a fair price, the same price and enjoying a great product on the ice. We can get 15,000 in there if we gave away 5,000 seats. We don't want to do that. It's not fair.''

    By giving away so many tickets as well as dumping inventory onto the secondary market, Cifu said, the Panthers devalued their product and helped chase away season ticket holders upset by seeing the deep discounts others received as they paid full freight.


    "It's also disrespectful to your season ticket holders to put your home games on TV. You should address that next. Also, I'm dead, so braaaaaaiiiinnnsssssss."

  2. All these new Blackhawks logos up on the site and yet no acknowledgement of what seems to have been their actual logo in the '80s and '90s, which is this:


    Also seen with its tan outline on Cheli's sweater here:


    Or Gary Suter, looking a lot like Ryan:


    and a close-up here:


    And a 1994 CBC telecast here:


    So did this different rendering of the Indian Head not exist contrary to photographic evidence? The one that's up in like four identical versions back to 1965 doesn't look like anything designed in 1965.

  3. So Dan Patrick dropped that Karmanos is looking to sell, and not not to Las Vegas interests, and some Hurricanes beat writer got buttshook like so:


    Patrick, like many former ESPN employees, has a long-standing and open grudge against Karmanos for moving the team out of Hartford in 1997. The day after the Hurricanes won the Stanley Cup in 2006, both Patrick and Keith Olbermann heaped invective on Karmanos on the radio and were reprimanded by ESPN for it.

    That doesn’t mean Patrick is wrong that the NHL will have a team in Las Vegas soon, but it’s certainly worth considering when he claims Karmanos and the Hurricanes are involved.

    "He can't be right because he's a meanypants who's out to get us!"

  4. It's really more of a sports business/board meme/safe-harbor-to-screw-off thread, but it's definitely not a football thread! I'm melting here!

    Here's Jeb Lund on Florida and how private enterprise screws taxpayers:


    The last would likely only make Scott happy, as it would give further ammunition for his perverse Ahab-like obsession with destroying the Florida Department of Community Affairs. The DCA is an innocuous state agency that ensures that new developments comply with municipal and county planning regulations (environmental, historical, hazard mitigation, etc.). On paper, it seems like an unnecessary agency, because municipal and county governments could enforce their planning regulations. Thinking like that, however, is explicitly un-Florida. Please allow a moment's indulgence to explain how developments in Florida are made on, say, the county level:

    1. You are a developer. You want to build 500 houses in the county.

    2. The planning department notes that 500 houses will require bulldozing wetlands or a historic neighborhood or some other poor-people thing, so you will have to pay an environmental impact fee, pay to relocate the historic neighborhood or not build at all.

    3. You tell this to the County Commissioner whose election campaign you bankrolled 10% of, because you are a wealthy developer.

    4. The planning department presents its findings at the Board of County Commissioners meeting, at which point your County Commissioner moves that you be granted an exemption from both restrictions on building and paying any fees for doing so, based on some fantasy that another blot-shaped treeless Omega Man zone of ranch-housed crudscape is going to finally turn around the economy of a county that's entirely made up of developments like that.

    5. Just for the hell of it, the BoCC exempts you from a :censored:load of other taxes or fees.

    Speaking of which, here's how the other part of that farcical dance goes:

    1. You are a developer. You want to build 500 houses in the county.

    2. The planning department notes that these 500 houses will put roughly 1,000 new motorists on the roads in this part of the county, choking the flow of traffic. They demand that you spend $20 million in concurrency fees to widen roads and bridges to the neighborhoods, create new stoplights and signage and perhaps even build an on-ramp addition to an existing highway.

    3. You tell this to the County Commissioner whose election campaign you bankrolled 10% of, because you are a wealthy developer.

    4. The planning department presents its findings at the Board of County Commissioners meeting, at which point your County Commissioner moves that you be granted an exemption for paying concurrency fees for 25 years.

    5. An entire neighborhood, and everyone else who uses these roads, commutes through hell for 20 years.

    6. Before the 25 years are up, the county realizes that the traffic problem has become so severe that they must rehabilitate and expand traffic arteries before your bill is due, funding them through an emergency bond issue. This obviates the need for you to pay anything, because your concurrency fees were tied to old projected road upgrades made by county planning staff 20 years ago, all of which have been superseded and overridden by the plans for the new bond issue. Thus the taxpayer has just funded your concurrency fees, which means you've bilked him twice, because back during the concurrency fees meeting...

    7. Just for the hell of it, the BoCC exempted you from a :censored:load of other taxes or fees.

    Change a few words around and you can see how the next stage of the Panthers will play out.

  5. I think it's fair to say the Panthers are in play now.

    It would be hilarious -- and virtually unprecedented for the public-private syndicate that governs Florida -- if the consultant Broward hired gets back to them with "yeah, this is really stupid, don't give them any more money." It's gonna suck when we find out the consultant is Michael Yormark.

  6. The Jaguars' new jerseys are better than the ones they replaced because what isn't, but they're still very flawed, the logo is too detailed, and the helmet is a bad joke.

    UNPOPULAR JAGUAR OPINION: I was not totally averse to black numerals on the last non-crappy road uniforms. Teal would have been ideal, of course, but black matched the helmets and socks (and sometimes pants) well enough that I didn't mind it all that much.

    EDIT: Come to think of it, they wore black pants with black socks a lot, didn't they? That'sa no good. Maybe if they had had teal socks, they could have gone black helmet/teal numbers/black pants/teal socks. That has a good rhythm to it.

  7. I don't think Dallas should change their color scheme and get rid of the silver-green for a basic silver. It's iconic to the Cowboys. Sure it may "be awkward with their uniforms", but it's as iconic as the star on top of those silver-green helmets.

    If the silver-green is so iconic, then they should just eliminate the basic silver and use the silver-green everywhere. If they do that, match the blues, and give the blue jersey the same striping pattern as the white jersey, then they will have one of the best identities in the league.

    It should be navy blue and silver-green across the board.
  8. Best Jaguars helmet was black with teal flake. That was inspired. The Ravens should have done the same but with purple.

    That's an unpopular opinion? Or are you just throwing your three cents (damn inflation!) into the Jags helmet discussion?

    Half and half. Mostly just getting in on the conversation, but I know lots of people get snitty about anything other than a regular helmet finish.
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